Thursday, July 25, 2024

AR Supreme Court Fast Tracks Abortion Amendment Signature Count

The Arkansas Supreme Court has Granted the Motion to Expedite a Court Case over the Rejection of Abortion Amendment Ballot Petitions, and Ordered the Secretary-of-State to do an Initial Count of Signatures collected by Volunteer Canvassers.

According to the Order released late Tuesday night, Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston (R) must Finish the initial count by July 29th. Once the Initial Count has been done, the Court Case will continue.

This comes One day after Attorney General Tim Griffin (R) filed a Request to Dismiss the Case on behalf of Thurston.

The Group behind the Abortion Amendment, "Arkansans For Limited Government", filed the Lawsuit after the Secretary-of-State's Office threw-Out the Ballot Petitions over Not identifying Paid Canvassers or a Signed Statement confirming they provided Canvassers with Documents outlining Rules before they began Collecting Signatures.

"Arkansas for Limited Government" released the following tatement in response:

"Today, the will of the people won. The Arkansas Supreme Court ordered the Secretary of State to count the signatures collected by volunteers in support of the Arkansas Abortion Amendment. On behalf of 101,000 Arkansas voters, 800 volunteers, and the AFLG team, we thank the Court for upholding democracy in Arkansas. We are heartened by this outcome, which honors the constitutional rights of Arkansans to participate in direct democracy, the voices of 101,000 Arkansas voters who signed the petition, and the work of hundreds of volunteers across the state who poured themselves into this effort. Today’s decision is reflective of our state motto: 'The People Rule,' and we look forward to that principle guiding the rest of the signature verification process."

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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