MarK Meadows (R-NC, 11th District), until he Resigned his Seat to become Trump’s Chief-of-Staff.
Earlier that month, he sold his Home, but also had a Condo in Virginia, near Washington, D.C., and Meadows had Not yet purchased a New Residence in North Carolina, his Home State.
On September 19th, 2021, about Three weeks before North Carolina’s Voter Registration Deadline for the General Election, Meadows filed his Paperwork. On a line that asked for his Residential Address, where you Physically Live, Meadows wrote down the Address of a fourteen-by-sixty-two-foot Mobile Home in Scaly Mountain. He listed his Move-in Date for this address as the following day, September 20th, 2021.
Meadows does Not own this Property and never has. It is Not clear that he has ever spent a Single night there. The previous Owner now lives in Florida and said “That was just a summer home. The Property sits in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, at about Four thousand feet, in the bend of a quiet road above a Creek in Macon County.
Did Meadows potentially commit Voter Fraud by listing the Scaly Mountain address on his Registration form? It’s a Federal Crime to provide False Information to Register to Vote in a Federal Election.
And its Not technically a Trailer, but it is a Modest Dwelling. The Registrations had arrived by Mail and were entered into the voting system, and Voter-Registration Card was sent to a P.O. Box they’d provided as their Mailing Address. If that Card makes it to the Voter and it’s Not sent back Undeliverable, then the Voter goes into the system.
In North Carolina’s Voter Statute: you can have more than One Residence but only One Domicile, and that your Voter Registration must be linked to the Domicile. For something to Qualify, it must be a “place of abode” where you have spent at least One night and where you intend to remain Indefinitely, or at least without a present intent to establish a Domicile at some other place.
If Debra Meadows stayed there a Single Night, and Mark Meadows Didn’t stay there, then he didn’t meet the Abode Test.
NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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