Judicial Watch sent letters to Election Officials in 14 Counties and Five States: Arkansas, California, Illinois, New York, and Oregon, notifying them od evident Violations of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). The Letters detail how these States own reported data shows that their counties Removed an
absurdly lowor
impossiblenumber of Inactive Voter Registration under Key Provisions of the NVRA. The letters threaten federal Lawsuits unless the Violations are correted in a timely fashion.
The NVRA requires States
conduct a general program that makes a resonable effort to removefrom the Official Voter Rolls
the names of ineligible voterswho have died or changed Residence. Among other things, the NVRA requires Registrations to be Canceled when Voters Fail to Respond to Address Confirmation Notices and then Fail to Vote in the Next Two General Federal Elections. In 2018, The Supreme Court confirmed that Removals are Mandatory.
States are Required by Federal Law to Report the Data concerning their Removal Programs to the Federal Election Assistance Commision (EAC). Every few years, the EAC publishes this Data as part of a Report it provides to Congress. The most recent Report and accompanying Datasets were relesed in August 2021.
The Data shows that many U.S. Counties Reported mere handfuls of Removals, and often No Removals, of Registrants who Failed to Respond to an Address Confirmation, and Failed to Vote in Two Consecutive Federal Elections. To identify Counties that are chronically behind in Removing outdated Registrations, Judicial Watch loked at the Last Four years years of Reported Data, from November 2016 through November 2020.
It found that some of the largest Counties in the Country reported Absurdly Low Removal numbers under the NVRA's Statutory Removal procedure for Change of Address during that period.
The 14 Counties receiving Notice letters, the Size of their Nov. 2020 Registration Lists, and the NVRA Removals, are reported in this Table:
San Bernardino, CA - 1,294,038: 14
Sacremento, CA - 1,049,495: 0
Contra Costa, CA - 735,818: 1
Fresno, CA - 573,873: 2
Stanislaus, CA - 356,744: 2
Solano, CA - 338,764: 4
Kings (Brooklyn), NY - 1,735,372: 0
Queens, NY - 1,366,759: 0
New York (Manhattan), NY - 1,250,793: 2
Nassau, NY - 1,089,467: 0
Bronx, NY - 867,716: 1
Richmond (Staten Island), NY - 344,375: 0
Multnomah (Portland), OR - 571,383: 5
Lane, OR - 274,054: 2
Total - 11,848,651: 33

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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