Thanks to Richard Winger of Ballot Access News for this Post.
New York used to have Two Major Parties and Five Minor Parties on the Ballot. But after a Legislature Change, in the Ballot Qualification for Political Parties, there are now Two Major Parties and Two Minor Parties on the Ballot for 2021.
On May 13th, U.S. District Court judge, John Koetl, a Clinton Appointee, Refused to Enjoin the Ballot Access Changes New York made last year:
- The Stricter Definition of a Qualified Party from 50,000 Governor Votes, to 130,000 Votes or 2% of the Votes Cast, which ever is Higher, for President or Governor.
- The Tripling of the Number of Signatures for Statewide Independent Candidates from 15,500 Signtures to 45,000.
The Case, Libertarin Party of New York v New York State Board of Elections, s.d., 1;20cv-5820.
Earlier, Judge Koetl had also Refused to Enjoin the New definition pf a Party in the Lawsuit filed by the SAM Party.
A great deal of information about the New York Petition did Not seem to come to the Attention of Judge Koetl:
- New York now has the Third Highest Number of Signatures, for a Presidential Candidate, running Outside the Two Major Parties, when the Easier Method in each State is Compared.
- New York has the Only Prohibition, on the Books, on Out-of-State Circulators, in the Nation, for Minor Party Petitioning.
- New York has the Shortest Petitioning Period for General Election Presidential Procedures.
- New York has the Third Earliest Deadline for Presidential Procedures.
The State presented Misleading Evidense. It Presented a Declaration purportedly comparing the Requirements of All the States, but the Author Ignored All the Procedure for Newly-Qualifying Parties. Instead, he just listed the Independent Candidate Procedures. He and the Judge, appear Uninformed that 39 States have Separate Procedures for New Parties, and in Nine States, the Monor Party Procedures are Significantly Easier than the Independent Procedures.
The Plaintiffswill be able to Introduce More Evidence when the Case moves into the Declaratory Relief Phase.
NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
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