New York Voters will head to the Polls in, 2022, to decide a $3 Billion Environment and Climate Change Projects Bond Measure.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) Signed Legislation, on April 19th, that referred the Measure to the, November 2022 Ballot. It was originally put on the 2020 Ballot but was Withdrawn in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The Measure would Authorize the issuance of $3 Billion in General Obligation Bonds for Projects related to the Environment, Natural Resources, Water Infrastructure, and Climate Change, as stated in the Legislation.
A Bond Issue is when a State Government asks Voters to Approve or Deny additional Proposed Spending.
Revenue from the Bonds would be Distributed as stated in the Bill as follows:
- Not less than $1 Billion for Flood Risk Reduction, Coastal Rehabilitation, Shoreline Restoration, and Ecological Restoration Projects.
- Up to $700 Million for Projects designed to Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Change, such as those related to Green Buildings, Carbon Sequestration, Urban Forest and Habitat Restoration, Reduce the Urban Heat Iisland Effect, Reduce and Eliminate Air Pollution in what the Legislation refers to as Environmental Justice Communities, and Reduce and Eliminate Water Pollution in those Communities.
- Up to $550 Million for Land Conservation and Recreation Plans, Programs, and Projects, and Fish Hatcheries.
- Not less than $550 Million for Projects related to Wastewater, Sewage and Septic Infrastructure, Lead Service Line Replacement, Riparian Buffers, Stormwater Runoff Reduction, Agricultural Nutrient Runoff Reduction, and addressing Harmful Algal Blooms.
The Measure would define Environmental Justice Communities as "minority or low-income [communities] that may bear a disproportionate share of the negative environmental consequences resulting from industrial, municipal, and commercial operations or the execution of federal, state, local, and tribal programs and policies."
Between 1990 and 2020, in New York, Voters decided Seven Statewide Bond Measures, Approving Three and Rejecting Four.
Two Issues were for Projects related to the Environment.
A $1.975 Billion Measure was Defeated in 1990.
Voters Approved a $1.75 Billion Bond Issue in 1996.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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