Friday, June 26, 2020

Trump Could Destroy Grand Staircase and Bears Ears

The Southern Utah Landscape, from Arches National Park to Bears Ears, is full of Red Rock Canyons and Natural Arches. But it could soon be blanketed with Drill Rigs, Pipelines, and Truck Traffic.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is pushing Forward with its Attempt to Sell-Off 114,000 acres of Public Land in Utah, the Largest Sale seen in the area in Decades. What were once Expansive Vistas of Clean Air and Stillness could be filled with Big Polluter Projects, all while driving the Climate Crisis further to its Breaking Point.

The Fracking Techniques that Big Oil plans on using for Fossil Fuel Extraction will cause Irrevocable Harm to the Environment. Fracking on Lands Leased by the BLM has been shown to cause: Avalanches, Destruction of Habitats, Earthquakes, Landslides, and Severe Erosion.

If the Proposed Lease Sale goes through, the Land Surrounding: Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, Bears Ears National Monuments, and Grand Staircase, will be at Risk. These Public Parks and National Monuments are frequented by: Campers, Climbers, Hikers, Mountain Bikers, Off-Roaders, and River Runners.

Fossil Fuel Extraction will be as close as Half-a-Mile to these National Park Boundaries, creating undue Hazards for Nature Lovers and threatening the Local Tourism Economy.

The Water Extracted by Fracking has the Potential to be Radioactive. Not only can this cause Harm to the Wildlife and Natural Beauty of Utah, it also poses a Threat to the Local Communities.

The Trump Administration continues to Disregard the Statistics and Cut-Out Indigenous Voices. The only ones having their Voices heard are the Trump Administration and Big Oil. The most Affected by this Land Lease are Indigenous Communities who have Limited Access to reliable Internet. This move cuts out Indigenous Voices, even though their Communities will be Disproportionately At-Risk by the Fossil Fuel Projects.

The BLM can Reject this Lease Sale and help contain the Climate Crisis we are currently facing. That is why we need you to put a stop to this Ecological Atrocity. But the BLM continues to Push Forward with this Lease Sale.

At this time, the Only way for People to Share their Concerns is through Commenting Online, hoping their Voices will be heard.

CLICK HERE to Tell the Bureau of Land Management: Stop Threatening the Health and Safety of Utah. We do NOT want our Public Land Sold to Big Oil!

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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