Friday, June 26, 2020

NYC BOE Head Fined for Taking Perk from Voting System Vendor

THE New York City's Board of Elections (BOE) Executive Director was Fined for Accepting a Perk from a Voting System Vendor with Business before the BOE, according to a Settlement, released Thursday June 25th, by the New York City's Conflict of Interests Board (COIB).

The COIB Fined, Michael Ryan, $2,500, for Accepting a Two-Night Stay, in 2016, worth $762.80, at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in Midtown from Elections Systems & Software (ES&S).

ES&S Supplies Voting Systems to New York City and has been trying to get its Newest Voting Systems Approved by the State with the Help of Ryan's Advocacy.

Ryan has Served as the Executive Director of the New York City's BOE since August of 2013.

Months after taking the Job, he joined ES&S's Advisory Board, which involved taking Trips around the Country.

While Travel Costs were Covered by ES&S, the Position itself was Unpaid.

In 2018, he Resigned from the Advisory Board, following a New York 1 Investigation, that Exposed the Payments ES&S made for Ryan’s Travel.

A Spokesman for COIB said Confidentiality Restrictions meant the BOE could Not Comment as to whether there are Other Investigations ongoing into Ryan’s Alleged Improprieties.

But, the NY1 Investigation found that, as part of his Role on the Advisory Board, ES&S had flown Ryan across the Country, put him up in Hotels, and bought him Dinners. They were so-called Conferences, and One of those Trips was to Las Vegas.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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