Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The New Federalist Party of America

A Political Strategist who was a New York Campaign Spokesman for former Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino has been named Chairman of a New National Political Party.

William F.B. O’Reilly, 54, a Mount Kisco Resident, will Head the Federalist Party of America for a one-year Term.

Term Limits for Congress and Reducing the Federal Debt are the Party’s Priorities. He called the Federal Debt “a time bomb” set to go off for Future Generations. “When neither of the two major parties are doing anything about it, someone’s got to try to do something – however small the odds of success,”

The Party isn’t seeking Ballot Status for 2018 but focusing on Organizing and gaining Members. That allows for People to get involved without changing their Party Registration this year, he said.

The Chairman, who writes a Column for Newsday, said he became Disillusioned with the GOP and switched Registration to the Conservative Party as the Trump Presidential Campaign gathered steam in 2016. He said even with Republican Control in D.C., the National Deficit is going up.

“I’ve had issues with Trump, certainly, and will continue to, but it’s actually bigger than Trump,” he said. “The real concern is that the Republican Party is not doing what it says it’s supposed to do.”

The Party will also focus on establishing Jurisdictional Limits on Washington to return Power to Local Governments, according to its Platform. O'Reilly wrote a Column on the National Review website last week outlining the fledgling Party's Philosophy.

A Statement from Joe Brigati, spokesman for the Federalist Party of America, said O’Reilly’s “hard work and fair play have earned him the respect of political observers of all political backgrounds.”

O’Reilly said he plans to continue Advising on Elections while working in his New Role.

CLICK HERE for more information about The New Federalist Party of America.

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