Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The National Democratic Redistricting Pac 2018 Target States

The National Democratic Redistricting Pac (NDRC) just released their List of 2018 Target States.

These are the places where NDRC will be investing Resources leading up to November’s Elections, the places where they can have the Biggest Impact.

There are 12 States on the List, and they have plans for each of them, including working to Win Nine Gubernatorial Races, 20 Legislative Chambers, Two Ballot Initiatives, and Two Down-Ballot Races, all to End Rigged Maps.

The 2018 Electoral Targets include 12 Electoral Target States fall into Two Categories.

Target Group A: States that were Gerrymandered by Republicans after the 2010 Elections.

- Georgia
- Michigan
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Texas
- Virginia
- Wisconsin

These States were the ones that Republicans Rigged the Worst after Winning Elections in 2010. Since then, Voters in these States, especially Democrats and Voters in Communities of Color, have had their Voices minimized and even ignored at the State and Federal Levels. In North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, all States where there are about Equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans, but the GOP controls 64%, 77%, and 67% of U.S. House Districts, respectively.

In 2021, we have a chance to change that by getting a Seat at the Redistricting Table. But in order to do that, we must be able to Win Elections in 2018.

Target Group B: States at Risk of Gerrymandering during 2021 Redistricting.

- Colorado
- Florida
- Minnesota
- Nevada

We’re not just looking at how Republicans have Rigged Maps in the past, we’re also thinking about how they might Rig Maps in the Future. The Second Category of States are places where Republicans could, and almost certainly will, Engage in Gerrymandering if they Win Control of the Governor’s Office and the State Legislature.

For example, in Minnesota, Republicans Control both Legislative Chambers. If they Win the Governor’s Race in 2018, there’s nothing to Stop them from Rigging the State’s Maps in 2021. We can’t let that happen.

As you can imagine, getting Involved in Elections in 12 different States will be no easy task.

We have to do it, because that’s the only way we can ensure Fair Maps for the next Decade.

CLICK HERE to help hit their $25,000 Goal and Execute their ambitious Electoral Strategy for 2018?

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