Thursday, July 20, 2017

House Republicans Restores and Increases Funding for United States Election Assistance Commission

The House Appropriations Committee Released Fiscal Year 2017 Financial Services Bill (H.R. 5485).

The ELECTION ASSISTANCE COMMISSION (EAC) has been founded in 2017.

From the Bill:


- Expenses to carry out the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA), Public Law 107–252, $4,900,000.

- $314,844,000 of offsetting collections shall be assessed and collected pursuant to section 9 of title I of the Communications Act of 1934, shall be retained and used for necessary expenses and shall remain available until expended. The sum herein appropriated shall be reduced as such offsetting collections are received during fiscal year 2017 so as to result in a final fiscal year 2017 appropriation estimated at $0.

- Proceeds from the use of a competitive bidding system that may be retained and made available for obligation shall not exceed $106,000,000 for fiscal year 2017

- The amount appropriated under this heading, not less than $11,751,000 shall be for the salaries and expenses of the EAC Office of Inspector General.

So the EAC lives on for another year.

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