BUDGET: The House Budget Committee may hold a Markup this week, according to Chairwoman Diane Black [R-TN]. FY18 Budget Year starts October 1, 2017. Chairwoman Black is pushing for a 1% Spending Cut, $339 Billion from Mandatory Programs over Ten Years. There is disagreement among Republicans about where Cuts should be made and also about Increasing Funds for the Military. Budget normally sets Spending Levels for Appropriations Bills. but this year, without a Budget, Appropriators are having to Craft Bills with No spending Levels. Speaker Ryan previously said that Appropriations Bills would not be considered before a Budget was Approved. Republicans are looking to Pass a Budget that sets up a Reconciliation Process for Tax Reform, which would only need 50 votes in the Senate.
APPROPRIATIONS: In the Absence of a Budget, Appropriators are moving ahead with their work. This week in the House:
Agriculture - Appropriations Summary with Full Committee Markup Wednesday.
Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations - Summary.
Defense Appropriations - Passed by Committee June 29th, House vote this Week.
Energy and Water Development Appropriations - Summary with Full Committee Markup Wednesday.
Financial Services and General Government Appropriations - Summary.
Interior Appropriations - Subcommittee Markup Wednesday.
Legislative Branch Appropriations - Summary Passed by Committee on June 29th.
Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations - Subcommittee Markup Tuesday.
House Votes this Week:
H.R. 23: Gaining Responsibility on Water Act - Sponsor: Rep. David Valadao [R, CA-21], The Bill requires Regulators to Comply with the Bipartisan Bay-Delta Accord.
H.R. 597: Lytton Rancheria Homelands Act of 2017 - Sponsor: Rep. Jeff Denham [R, CA-10]. This Bill takes into Trust for the benefit of the Lytton Rancheria of California certain Land Owned by the Tribe in Sonoma County, California. Land taken into Trust is made a part of the Tribe's Reservation. Gaming is Prohibited on this Land and in a Specified Area of Sonoma County. Gaming is Prohibited until March 16th, 2037, on Land taken into Trust for the Benefit of the Tribe after Enactment of this Bill. The Memorandum of Agreement entered into by The tribe and the County that was Approved by the County on March 10th, 2015, is not Subject to Review and Approval by the Department of the Interior.
H.R. 954: To Remove the Use Restrictions on certain Land Transferred to Rockingham County, Virginia - Sponsor: Rep. Bob Goodlatte [R, VA-6]. This Bill declares that the approximately One-Acre portion of specified Land Transferred by the United States to Rockingham County, Virginia, that is used for purposes of a Child Care Center, shall not be subject to the Use Restriction imposed in the Deed for the Transferred Land. The Bill Eliminates the Requirement that the County include Information concerning the Use of the Transferred Land for a Child Care Center in Biennial Reports to the Department of the Interior.
H.R. 1306: Western Oregon Tribal Fairness Act - Sponsor: Rep. Peter A. DeFazio [D, OR-4]. This Bill specifies Land to become part of the Reservation of: (1) the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians; and (2) the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians. The Land is taken into Trust when the Department of the Interior and the Tribes enter Agreements that Secure certain Access Rights to the Land. Federal Law applies to the Export of Unprocessed Logs Harvested from this Land and to Forest Management on this Land. Gaming on this Land is Prohibited. This Land is not Subject to the Land Use Planning Requirements of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 or the Act of August 28, 1937. Interior must Reclassify Public Domain Land as Oregon and California Railroad Grant Land in Equal Acreage as Grant Land held in Trust as Part of this Land. This Bill Amends the Coquille Restoration Act to Remove the Requirement that Interior Manage the Coquille Forest in accordance with State and Federal Forestry and Environmental Protection Laws. Federal Law applies to the Export of Unprocessed Logs Harvested from the Coquille Forest. Sales of Timber must be Advertised, Offered, and Awarded according to Competitive Bidding Practices. The Bill Repeals a Provision giving the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon Jurisdiction over certain Actions concerning the Coquille Forest and Limiting Remedies to Equitable Relief.
H.R. 1397: To Authorize, Direct, Facilitate, and Expedite the Transfer of Administrative Jurisdiction of certain Federal Land - Sponsor: Rep. Barbara Comstock [R, VA-10]. This Bill Transfers Administrative Jurisdiction over: 0.342 Acres of Federal Land within the Boundary of the George Washington Memorial Parkway from the Department of the Interior to the Department of Transportation (DOT); and from DOT to Interior 0.479 Acres of Federal Land within the Boundary of the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center of the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) adjacent to the parkway. Interior shall Prohibit the Storage, Construction, or Installation of any items that may interfere with Access by the Research Center to certain Restricted Land within the Parkway Boundary for Security and Maintenance purposes. The Transfers of Administrative Jurisdiction under this Bill shall not be Subject to Reimbursement or Consideration. The National Park Service and the FHA shall comply with the Agreement they entered into on September 11th, 2002, regarding the Transfer of Administrative Jurisdiction, Management, and Maintenance of the Land specified in it. Subject to the Terms of such Agreement, Interior shall allow the Research Center to Access Specified Acreage of the Federal Land transferred to Interior for Purposes of Transportation to and from the Research Center and for Maintenance of its Visual Appearance. The Research Center shall maintain the Restricted Land.
H.R. 1404: Pascua Yaqui Tribe Land Conveyance Act - Sponsor: Rep. Raul M. Grijalva [D, AZ-3]. This Bill declares that 39.65 Acres of Land are to be held in Trust by the United States for the Benefit of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona, effective the Day after the Tuscon Unified School District No. 1 Relinquishes its Interest in the Land. The United States must convey to the School District 13.24 Acres of Federal Land in Exchange for Payment of the Fair Market Value of the Land and the Cost of Conveyance. The School District may Acquire the Federal Reversionary Interest in 27.5 Acres of District Land by Paying the Appraised Value, plus the Costs of Appraisal and Conveyance, to the Department of the Interior. Gaming is Prohibited on the Land taken into Trust pursuant to this Bill. There are no Federal Reserved Water Rights for the Land taken into Trust. The Tribe retains State Water Rights for this Land. Water Rights for this Land may not be Forfeited or Abandoned.
H.R. 1541: To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Acquire certain Property related to the Fort Scott National Historic Site in Fort Scott, Kansas - Sponsor: Rep. Lynn Jenkins [R, KS-2]. The Boundary of the Fort Scott National Historic Site established under subsection (a) is modified as generally Depicted on the Map referred to as ‘Fort Scott National Historic Site Proposed Boundary Modification’, numbered 471/80,057C, and dated February 2017.
H.R. 1719: John Muir National Historic Site Expansion Act - Sponsor: Rep. Mark DeSaulnier [D, CA-11]. The Department of the Interior may acquire by Donation approximately 44 Acres of Land to include in the John Muir National Historic Site in Martinez, California. The Acquired Land shall be Administered as Part of such Site.
H.R. 1913: Clear Creek National Recreation Area and Conservation Act - Sponsor: Rep. Jimmy Panetta [D, CA-20]. This Bill establishes the Clear Creek National Recreation Area in California to Promote Environmentally responsible Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation and Support other Public Recreational uses, including Hunting, Hiking, and Rock and Gem Collecting. The Department of the Interior shall: (1) use the 2006 Clear Creek Management Area Travel Management Plan, as Modified by this Bill or by Interior, to Incorporate Natural Resource Protection Information unavailable in 2006 as the Basis for an Interim Management Plan to Govern Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation in the area; and (2) Create a Comprehensive Management Plan for the Area, which shall include a Hazards Education Program and a User Fee Program for Motorized Vehicle use. Landowners must be given adequate Access to Inholdings within the Area. The Use of Motorized Vehicles on Public Land in the Area shall be Permitted only on Roads, Trails, and Areas designated by the Management Plan. Livestock Grazing shall be Allowed to continue in certain Parts of the Area. The Bill Designates approximately 21,000 Acres of Identified Federal Lands in Fresno and San Benito Counties, California, as the Joaquin Rocks Wilderness and as a Component of the National Wilderness Preservation System. The Bill releases the San Benito Mountain Wilderness Study Area from specified requirements applicable to Public Lands subject to a Wilderness Review.
H.R. 1988: To Designate the Facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1730 18th Street in Bakersfield, California, as the Merle Haggard Post Office Building - Sponsor: Rep. Kevin McCarthy [R, CA-23].
H.R. 2156: Saint Francis Dam Disaster National Memorial Act - Sponsor: Rep. Stephen Knight [R, CA-25]. This Bill Authorizes the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to establish the Saint Francis Dam Disaster National Memorial at the Dam site in Los Angeles County, California, to honor the Victims of the Saint Francis Dam Disaster of March 12th, 1928. The Memorial shall be Managed by the Forest Service. USDA shall submit to Congress, by Three Years after this Bill's Enactment, Recommendations regarding: the Planning, Design, Construction, and Long-Term Management of the Memorial; the Proposed Boundaries; a Visitor Center and Educational Facilities; and Ensuring Public Access to the Memorial. The Bill establishes the Saint Francis Dam Disaster National Monument on Specified National Forest System Land Administered by USDA in Los Angeles County for the Purpose of Conserving and Enhancing the Cultural, Archaeological, Historical, Watershed, Educational, and Recreational Resources and Values of the Monument. USDA shall develop a Management Plan for the Monument by Four Years after this Bill's Enactment. USDA shall Manage the Monument: (1) in a manner that Conserves and Enhances its Cultural and Historic Resources, and (2) in accordance with the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974. The Bill Limits the Use of Motorized Vehicles but Permits Grazing within the Monument.
H.R. 2200: Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act - Sponsor: Rep. Christopher H. Smith [R, NJ-4]. Reauthorizing several Programs within the Departments of Justice (DOJ), Health and Human Services (HHS), Homeland Security (DHS), Labor, State, and the U.S Agency for International Development that Combat Trafficking in Persons.
H.R. 2480: Empowering Law Enforcement to Fight Sex Trafficking Demand Act - Sponsor: Rep. Vicky Hartzler [R, MO-4]. Expanding Grant Availability to include Programs to Reduce the Demand for Trafficked Persons. To Amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to include an Additional Permissible use of Amounts provided as Grants under the Byrne JAG program, and for other purposes.
H.R. 2664: Enhancing Detection of Human Trafficking Act - Sponsor: Rep. Tim Walberg [R, MI-7]. To Direct the Secretary of Labor to Train certain Department of Labor Personnel how to effectively Detect and Assist Law Enforcement in Preventing Human Trafficking during the Course of their Primary Roles and Responsibilities.
H.R. 2810: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 - Sponsor: Rep. Mac Thornberry [R, TX-13]. This Bill Authorizes FY2018 Appropriations and sets forth Policies for Department of Defense (DOD) Programs and Activities, including Military Personnel Strengths. It does not provide Budget Authority, which is provided in subsequent Appropriations Legislation. The Bill Authorizes Appropriations to DOD for: (1) Procurement, including Aircraft, Missiles, Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Ammunition, Shipbuilding and Conversion, Space Procurement, and other Procurement; (2) Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation; (3) Operation and Maintenance; (4) Working Capital Funds; (5) the Joint Urgent Operational Needs Fund; (6) Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction; (7) Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities; (8) the Defense Inspector General; (9) the Defense Health Program; (10) the Armed Forces Retirement Home; (11) Overseas Contingency Operations; and (12) Military Construction. The Bill also Authorizes the FY2018 Personnel Strength for Active Duty and Reserve Forces and sets forth Policies regarding Compensation and other Personnel Benefits, the Ready Reserve Force and Military Sealift Command Surge Fleet, and Matters relating to Foreign Nations.
The big question of the Week is whether the Senate will Release a New Version of the Republican Health Care Bill and how soon it will come up for a vote. The Senate will start the Week voting on Presidential Nominations:
William ("Bill") Hagerty IV to be Ambassador to Japan.
David C. Nye to be United States District Judge for the District of Idaho.
Neomi Rao to be Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
Christopher Wray to be FBI Director, will have his Confirmation Hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee this Wednesday.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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