Monday, September 26, 2016

NY Gov. Cuomo Wants More Ethics Reforms in Exchange for Legislative Pay Raises

Despite having previously praised an ethics deal enacted by the Legislature in June, New York Gov. Cuomo will not support a Legislative pay raise unless the Legislature agrees to more comprehensive reforms, an aide said Sunday.

“It’s up to (the legislative) leaders,” the Cuomo aide said. “If they want an increase, they will have to offer real ethics reform.”

The aide denied the timing of the Governor’s position has anything to do with the fact that nine Cuomo associates, including several close to him, were hit with criminal charges last week.

A number of the Governor and Judiciary's appointees to a Commission that will ultimately decide whether to approve a pay raise and for how much said on Thursday they will not support the first Legislative raise since 1999 unless the lawmakers make their case to the panel.

Cuomo's office said the Governor will not try to dissuade anyone unless the lawmakers agree to more ethics reforms.

Some Legislative insiders accused Cuomo of trying to distract attention from scandal engulfing his administration.

Michael Whyland, spokesman for Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx), called the Governor's position "news to the speaker because the task of setting pay scales was given to the commission so that they can consider the issue devoid of any other legislative agendas."

Heastie favors a pay raise for lawmakers, statewide Elected Officials like Cuomo, and State Agency Commissioners, Whyland said.

"These are hardworking individuals and they should be compensated appropriately commensurate with the work they do," he said. "The issue of a pay increase should stand on its own merit and not be traded for any legislation."

Still, Heastie left the door open to more ethics reforms.

Blair Horner, of the New York Public Research Group, said that Cuomo is “right to argue that the Legislature and the governor need to do more on ethics.”

"I can't image anything that drives voters more crazy than when lawmakers and the executive branch are considering pay raises in a smog of scandal," he said. "It makes no sense."

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