Thursday, December 3, 2015

Freedom Caucus vs. McConnell on Campaign Finance Plan

The House Freedom Caucus on Wednesday came out against a controversial proposal by Senate Majority Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) that would eliminate caps on the amount parties are permitted to spend in coordination with candidates.

"This rider would rig the game for the national parties and diminish the influence of ordinary Americans in the political process," Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, the chairman of the 40-member group of conservatives, said of the campaign finance rider that would be included in a year-end omnibus spending bill. "It is designed to help elect candidates who will toe the party line in Washington rather than stand up for the people they were elected to represent."

Proponents of the campaign finance idea say it would help party committees reassert power that they've lost in the post-Citizens United era. Unlike outside groups that can spend unlimited sums, the parties are subject to strict spending limits and reporting rules. But critics of the revision say it would give mega-donors even more sway over individual lawmakers and help GOP leaders block candidates who don't back their agenda.

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