Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Free and Equal Elections Foundation IndieGoGo Campaign

Did you know 42% of Americans self-identify as “independents” and don’t agree with the entire agenda of any single party?  Now, more than half of all voters feel they are not represented in Washington.

More than 90% don’t approve of the job that Congress is doing.  It’s time for the people to unite to take back Congress in November.  Congressional races are fought at the local level and depend on grassroots support.

Big Money can buy ads and airtime, but not your vote.

There is something you can do to make a change in Washington.  All we need are MORE VOICES & MORE CHOICES!

You need real information about all the candidates.  You need other people like you, especially young voters, to commit to educating themselves about their choices and the issues.  Together we can elect those who will serve the people.

Free and Equal Elections Foundation hosts multiple open debates at the state and federal levels.  In May 2014, They got thousands of young voters to come out to listen to activists and musicians in Los Angeles, kicking off a nationwide United We Stand Festival series to encourage political involvement among young people.

This summer, they will launch their ELECTION ASSISTANT, with in-depth information on all candidates, with a questionnaire on the many crucial issues not covered by media monopolies.

for their beta version.

We need politicians who represent the multiple perspectives of the people, not the selfish agenda of a few.  We need to stop fighting amongst ourselves so that we can concentrate our efforts on electing leaders who work for the people.  If our elected officials don’t care what we think, what’s the use of protesting and signing petitions or arguing with each other?

Political corruption will not go away if you don’t try to stop it with your vote.  Hold your elected officials accountable.  Get informed.  If we stand united behind Free and Equal Elections we can build a democracy that truly represents this diverse nation.

Don’t give up. Commit today to saving democracy for future generations.

Put your name down in support of free and equal elections and donate $1 to signify your commitment.  It’s important that we show we have the power of the people behind us.

CLICK HERE to donate to the IndieGoGo Campaign.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!

Michael H. Drucker
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