Wednesday, April 2, 2014

NY's 1.8 Million Citizens Without State Legislature Representation

Twelve state legislative districts lack either an Assembly member or senator and Gov. Cuomo will not call for special elections in 2014, but will deny citizens full representation.

So let's get this straight, New York will burden their electoral system with costly multiple primaries, June Federal and September State, for the convenience and political advantage of lawmakers, but when it comes to holding special elections so that more than a million people have actual representation, all of a sudden the state is worried about money?

Whose democracy is this, anyway?

These 12 vacant seats in the state Legislature, including two in the Senate and ten in the Assembly.  Altogether, those districts are home to about 1.8 million people.

Most of the vacancies occurred because lawmakers were elected to another office or took another job. Others were vacated after scandals or felony convictions.

The New York Voting Rights Consortium says about 800,000 of those New Yorkers are people of color.

We can't put a price tag on democracy!

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!

Michael H. Drucker
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