As the 4th anniversary of the Supreme Court's ruling on Citizens United vs. FEC approaches, several organizations are advocating for a constitutional ammendment to restore, or even extend, limits on corporate contributions that influence elections.
On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 (All day), "Grassroots Democracy: A Virtual Teach-In on the Citizens United Anniversary" will air at 8 p.m. ET at www.MoveOn.org.
The format is similar to a Google Hangout.
Speakers will participate from their own computer, and participants will watch the event by going to a site that includes the speakers and the Twitter feed, as well as any other resources that will be put on the page. Participants can ask questions and make comments using a Twitter hashtag that will be selected and promote as part of the event. The event will start out with speakers giving short remarks, but the goal of the event is to have a structured conversation that is responsive to questions.
The event is Sponsored by: MoveOn, Demos, and The Democracy Initiative.
CLICK HERE for more information.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!
Michael H. Drucker
Corporations and unions still can't make contributions. They can only speak independently. So the word "contributions" should be replaced with something else.
The contribution reference is from the website and it probably came from the section on Contribution limits (danger of McCutcheon & McCutcheon rapid response).
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