Friday, July 13, 2012

NYC BOE Asks for a Change of Primary Date

In light of ballot-counting issues in last month's primary, the political calendar could be changed next year for the city's September 2013 primaries.

The New York City Board of Elections sent a letter to Albany in May saying its staff is going to need more time to certify mayoral primary results because the new electronic voting machines make the process a lot longer.

New York City Board of Elections Commissioner J.C. Polanco said he's worried the board won't have enough time to prepare for possible run-off elections if it's only given the allotted two weeks under the state's current election law to count votes.

"That's going to require us counting every single one of those ballots," he said. "So because of that, we're asking the legislature to consider a 30-day window by which we will be able to fulfill our obligations to the city of New York and to the election law."

A spokesman for Sheldon Silver said the Assembly Leader supports moving the 2013 state Primary to the June Congressional date.

Governor Andrew Cuomo has not taken a position on the issue, at this time.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!

Michael H. Drucker
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1 comment:

Urbach Avraham said...

I pray that this issues will be resolved while the election is not yet around. The last time the board of election cram about the policy put some voters in serious inconvenience.