Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sometimes Your Voice is Heard

I came across an article about 157 Air Force Majors that were released from service close to their retirement date and lost their pensions and health insurance. As an Air Force veteran,I was very upset. So I contacted Congress and all my service friends to let the Air Force know how we felt about this process.

I just received a reply from Kelly L. Googin, Colonel, USAF, Chief, Congressional Inquiry Division, Office of Legislative Liaison, and my Congressional Representative, with the following:

They first explained due to the required cost cutting, a process was developed to reduce their size. But to my surprise they modified their process to fix the problem I wrote about. Officers non-selected for continuation will receive severance pay. Severance pay is 10 percent of the product of their number of years of active service and 12 times the final monthly basic pay, approximately $120,000. They would also have the opportunity to continue service in the Air Force National Guard or the Air Force Reserve.

They also said, "We have sent this change to all Members of Congress."

So sometimes your voice is heard.

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