Tuesday, February 28, 2012

NY BOE Meeting Notes

This is from my notes of the New York State Board of Elections meeting:

1. During the April Presidential Primary, the operations may begin their move to a new location.

2. Begin to improve the process of the interface between DMV and BOE for new and changed voter registrations.

3. The changes to the Overvote process and changes to the Optical Scanner screens have been pre-cleared by Section 5 of the Justice Department.

4. Begin the process to determine why the scanner in the South Bronx failed counting votes at the last primary and general elections.

5. Develop a State-wide standard for when a candidate can ask for a manual count. Currently each county's election board determines the threshold. Also discussed was who should pay for the first pass, everyone agreed it should be the candidate and not the state or court.

6. Santorum Ballot Issue: When his New York Committee first filed their delegate list, 50% where rejected and they had five days to correct the problem. They refiled but one of the delegates wrote a letter to the board saying they were not supporting him and to remove their name. So he is short one name and since the deadline is March 1st, he may not get on the ballot. In New York, you must certify you support the candidate. On March 4th his partition was accepted.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!

Michael H. Drucker
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