Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Open Candidate Selection Process

There is a lot of talk about "Open Primaries". But I have found this is interpreted in many ways and most are not how I see it.

States use many different methods to select candidates: primaries, caucus, convention, etc. But these require a voter to pick a parties selection process.

But with close to 40% of registered voters not selecting a party, the current systems do not work.

Today, these voters want to select the candidates not a party.

View this clip to get an idea of what I am talking about:

The structural reform requires the following:

1. Open the ballot process to all who want to be candidates.
2. Open the selection process to all registered voters.
3. Make the selection process of all candidates on one ballot so we can select candidates and not parties.

At this point I need your help. After the selection process I do not have a good answer for the General Election. If you have read my previous posts I have discussed modified versions of Top Two. But I am still looking for a best version not just better.

I think the next step in the needed changes to our system is to get more independents or minor party candidates elected so the two major parties lose their majority and would then need to create coalitions to make better decisions for the country.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!

Michael H. Drucker
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richardwinger said...

When you say 40% of the voters are independents, that comes from public opinion polls. But when one looks at the registration data, in the 28 places (plus D.C.) that have registration by party, it is 23% who are independents, and 3% who are members of parties other than the Democratic and Republican Parties.

Do we really need primaries at all? Generally the remainder of the democratic countries of the world don't have them. And the U.S. didn't have them until the 1900's decade.

mhdrucker said...

OK, So we are taking around 26% nationwide. But do you agree it is growing?

If you noticed I call it a selection process and try to avoid primary. I am stressing the need to open the ballot process to more cadidates, then open the process so all registered voters can decide who goes to the general.

How would you replace this selection process?