Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Ramblings

In short videos, members of the President's Cabinet reports on their progress this first year and outline what lies ahead for their departments and agencies to keep America moving forward.
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Dem plan: Split GOP, tea party
“Given the pressure Republican candidates feel from the extreme right in their party, there is a critical — yet time-sensitive — opportunity for Democratic candidates,” the DSCC writes. The memo urges Democratic candidates to force their opponents to answer a series of questions on health care, taxes and some of the favorite causes of the far right:

“Do you believe that Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen? Do you think the 10th Amendment bars Congress from issuing regulations like minimum health care coverage standards? Do you think programs like Social Security and Medicare represent socialism and should never have been created in the first place? Do you think President Obama is a socialist? Do you think America should return to a gold standard?”

If a Republican candidate says no to any of the questions, the memo says Democrats should “make their primary opponent or conservative activists know it. This will cause them to take heat from their primary opponents and could likely provoke a flip-flop.

Jackie Salit, head of the Independence Party in New York City, said Obama has lost touch with the independent voter and has been too focused on tending to the Democratic base. Salit, in an email to supporters, said that Obama could lose the White House if he keeps this up.

"While the progressive leadership of the movement played the key role in swinging independents to Obama in 2008, the Obama team has turned a blind eye since then, choosing instead to focus only on the Democratic Party base. But if you do that, instead of finding ways to cultivate the progressive voices in independent politics, you're going to lose elections like the one yesterday, in MA. And, you might even lose the White House if you don't wake up to the fact that there is an emerging political universe - the independent movement - that you know nothing about."

We also need to understand that local conditions also play a part in this election year. Any incumbent that take his electorate for granted, has a great chance of becoming unemployed. For me, the response of the new MA Senator, Scott Brown, to the question in a debate of how he felt on replacing the "Kennedy Seat" said "This is not the Kennedy seat, or the Democratic or Republican seat, this is the "Peoples' sat." is what could change the look of our government after November.

Michael H. Drucker
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