Wednesday, January 20, 2010

MA Special Election Lesson

Jackie Salit, President of, issued the following statement today re: the special election in Massachusetts.

"The Obama team needs to learn a lesson from Massachusetts,” said Jackie Salit, president of “If you don't attend to the political dynamics in the independent movement, you'll pay the price. That movement is in the early stages of its development and is subject to many pushes and pulls. While the progressive leadership of the movement played the key role in swinging independents to Obama in 2008, the Obama team has turned a blind eye since then, choosing instead to focus only on the Democratic Party base. But if you do that, instead of finding ways to cultivate the progressive voices in independent politics, you're going to lose elections like the one yesterday. And, you might even lose the White House if you don't wake up to the fact that there is an emerging political universe - the independent movement - that you know nothing about.”

What is interesting is Brown ran on the Republican line but presented himself as an independent. Now we need to watch how he performs as a senator.

Michael H. Drucker
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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