Friday, February 28, 2025

PA Open Primary Bill Re-Introduced

Should 1.3 million Pennsylvania Voters be allowed to cast Ballots in the State's Partisan Primaries? Some Lawmakers continue to push for an Open Primary system that would Allow just that. State Sens. Dan Laughlin, (R-49th District), and Lisa M. Boscola (D-18th District), plan to Reintroduce Laughlin's Open Primary Bill, according to a Sponsorship Memorandum filed earlier this week.

"Many of these independent voters include groups like veterans, who are statistically more likely to register as independents, as well as young, Latino, and Asian-American voters," the Memorandum says. "Moreover, closed primaries represent a form of taxation without representation, as all taxpayers fund primary elections, but not all are permitted to participate."

The Case for Open Primaries has been made by All Five of Pennsylvania's living former Governors, as well as "Ballot PA", a "coalition of civic and business organizations committed to open and free elections." Only Voters Registered with the Two Major Political Parties, can now Vote in the Spring Election. Pennsylvania remains only One of 10 States with a Closed Primary system.

In the Proposed Legislation, only Voters Unaffiliated with a Political Party (Independdent) would be allowed to Participate in a Primary of their Choosing. Democrats and Republicans would still be Required to Cast Bballots in their Respective Party's Primary, as opposed to some States such as Ohio, which allow Voters to Declare or Switch their Pparty Affiliation by Requesting a Major Party's Primary Ballot.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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