Friday, October 4, 2024

UT Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Voters

Utah Voters will Not have to Decide next month, on a Cconstitutional Aamendment asking Voters to cede Power over Ballot Mmeasures to Lawmakers, after the Utah Supreme Court upheld a Lower Court Decision Voiding the Amendment.

The Utah State Legislature had placed the Amendment on the Ballot, to try and circumvent another Supreme Court Rruling from July, which found that the Legislature has very Limited Authority to Change Laws approved through Citizen Initiatives.

That Ruling stemmed from attempts by the State Legislature to roll back Gerrymandering Reform Passed by Utah Voters in 2018.

In this Case, the Court upheld a Lower Court finding that the Ballot Question Language was “Counterfactual” and did Not disclose to Voters the unfettered Power they would be handing to State Lawmakers.

Mark Gaber, Attorney for the Plaintiffs weighed in on the Ruling: With this Decision, the path for Utah Voters to Pass more Reforms in the Future is looking bright.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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