Saturday, October 12, 2024

TX Gulflink Oil Export Mega-Terminal Project

Climate Hawks have heard of the Texas GulfLink Oil Export Project before. It’s a proposed Deep-Water Oil Export Terminal that, if approved, could Export up to 1 million barrels of Crude Oil every day, Supercharging the Climate Crisis and increasing the Risk of another Disastrous Oil Leak in the Gulf of Mexico

After a month of Cclimate-fueled Superstorms in the Gulf, you’d think that saying No Gulflink would be a No-Brainer for the Climate Hawks in the Biden Administration.

But because of the unique Ppermitting Rules around Offshore Oil facilities, some of the Toughest Environmental Regulators haven't had a chance to weigh in yet.

Right now, the best chance to Stop Gulflink for good, is for the Local EPA Office, Region 6, to Object to the Project.

Click Here to Sign a Petition and tell the EPA to Stop the Texas GulfLink Oil Export Project.

Texas GulfLink is One of 20 New Oil and Gas Projects proposed in the U.S. Gulf South, the Largest buildout of Fossil Fuel Projects in the World, that would Harm Public Health, Exacerbate Environmental Racism, and make the Climate Crisis worse.

If completed, the Project could contribute an additional 3.8 billion metric tons of Climate-Warming Pollution throughout its 30-year Lifetime. Earlier this year, a similar Project, the Sea Port Oil Terminal (SPOT), received its Permits over the Strong Objections of Climate Hawks and Local Residents. With SPOT set to begin Construction just 7 miles from where GulfLink would be Built, now is the time for the EPA to Speak-Up.

Continuing to Approve these Massive Fossil Fuel Projects will push the World further into Climate Catastrophe, at a time when We desperately need to Phase-Out Fossil Fuels to Avoid even more Devastating Climate Ddisasters.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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