Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Open Primaries and RCV On Nov. 2024 General Election Ballots

Open Primaries and Ranked-Choice-Voting (RCV) on Balllot Referendums in 8 States in 2024:

Alaska - Ballot Measure 2 allows Political Parties to take away our Freedom to Vote for whoever We choose. Elections should be about Voting for the Best Candidate, regardless of whether they are a Republican, Democrat, or independent, and that’s exactly what Alaska’s Open Primary allows every Alaskan to do.

Arizona - Proposition 140 creates an Open Primary. All Candidates will appear on the same Ballot and Compete under the same Rules, and All Registered Voters will use that same Ballot to cast their Vote for their preferred Candidate(s). In this Open Primary, the use of Taxpayer Funds to Pay for Private Political Party Primaries would be Prohibited.

Colorado - Initiative 310 would give every Colorado Voter the Right to Vote for any Candidate, regardless of Party, in every Election.

Idaho - Proposition 1 will give Idahoans the Freedom to Vote in All Elections without having to align with a Political Party. By restoring Idaho’s Tradition of Open Primaries, Prop 1 will give the Ppower back to People, not Political Party Elites, so they can Elect Leaders who focus on solving Real Problems, not Distractions and Controversies that turn People against each Other.

Montana - CI-126 is a Constitutional Citizen Initiative that creates an Open Primary Election so that All Candidates of All Parties appear on the Same Ballot in June and All Voters can choose between them. The Top Four Candidates, regardless of Party, would then move on to the November Election.

Nevada - Question 3 returns Power to the People of Nevada. Open Primaries mean more Nevadans have a Voice. This leads to better Choices of Candidates, who will Focus on Issues that really matter to Nevadans. Candidates will No longer be forced to pivot to Extreme Policies to make it out of the Primary, Reducing Polarization and Partisan Bickering from both sides.

Allowing Voters to Rank Candidates (Ranked-Choice-Voting-RCV) in Order of Preference on the November Ballot gives Voters more and better Choices, so Nevadans will no longer be forced to choose between the ‘’lesser of two evils’’. Needing Majority support to Win, Candidates will have to focus on the Issues of everyday People and Not Attacking their Opponents, increasing Civility in Campaigns, and making Politicians more Accountable to the Communities they Serve.

South Dakota - We are South Dakota Open Primaries (SDOP) – the South Dakota 2024 Open Primaries Ballot Initiative Campaign. SDOP is a Statewide Ballot Qquestion Committee registered with the South Dakota Secretary of State. Their purpose is to build Support among Voters for proposed 2024 Constitutional Ballot Initiative to adopt Open Primary Elections in South Dakota.

The Initiative would establish a Top-Two Open Primary system for the following Elections: U.S. Senate, U.S. House, Governor, State Legislature, and County Elective Offices. In each Race, All the Candidates would compete in a Single Primary Open to All South Dakota Voters. The Two Candidates that receive the most Votes would advance to the General Election. The Ballot would continue to indicate the Party Affiliation or Lack thereof, for each Candidate.

Washington D.C. - Initiative 83 is a Two-part Ballot Initiative that D.C. Residents will Vote on this November. If Enacted, the Initiative would both:

(a) Implement Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) to allow Voters to Rank up to Five Candidates according to their Preference in each Ccontest for any Office (other than Political Party Offices).

(b) Permit any Independent Voter to Vote in the Primary Election of that Voter’s Choosing for All Offices (other than Political Party Offices).

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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