Monday, October 7, 2024

Lithuania Intercepted Military Supplies to Russia Sent to Ukraine

Lithuanian Customs intercepted Military Supplies leaving the Russian Exclave of Kaliningrad. The Supplies were Volunteer Donations meant for the Russian Army. It handed them to Ukraine. Lithuania, once part of the Soviet Union, is One of Ukraine's largest Donors, in terms of GDP. Lithuanian Customs Officials say they intercepted Shipments of Military Supplies en route by Rail to Moscow.

Customs Officials inspecting Carriages on Lithuania's Southwestern Border said that between September 27th and October 2nd, they found Parcels of Camouflage Pants and Nets in Four separate Shipments. They said the Trains were traveling from Kaliningrad, a Russian Exclave bordering Lithuania and Poland, to Moscow.

Lithuania is the most Direct Route for Goods Passing from Kaliningrad to Russia. The Officials said the Cargo was classified as Military and needed a Special Permit, and that the Shipments were likely sent by Russian Volunteer groups trying to Support President Vladimir Putin's War effort.

It's not the First Incident to crop up on the Trans-Lithuania Railway Route between Kaliningrad and Moscow. A Train Carriage was recently graffitied with a "Z", the Symbol used by the Russian Military, and another with the Message that Lithuania's Capital, Vilnius, is a "Russian City." That City is where my Farther's Mother was Born. My Father's Father was born between the area between East Poland Boarder and Ukrane's Capital Kyiv. My Mother's Father is from the East Poland and Mother is from Kyia, who married Her 1st Cousin.

Lithuania, which was Once part of the Soviet Union, has been One of Ukraine's Staunchest Allies. In terms of Aid sent to Ukraine as a percentage of GDP, it comes behind only Denmark and Estonia, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy's Aid Tracker.

The Tracker said that Lithuania had sent $812 million in Military Aid and $110 million in Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine, between the Start of the Full-Scale Invasion in February 2022 and June 2024, amounting to 1.43% of Lithuania's GDP.

In March, Lithuania's Prime Minister, Ingrida Šimonytė said: "If Putin is not stopped in Ukraine, then whatever happens next is Europe's problem at large."

Lithuania is among several NATO Countries Bordering Russia that are readying for a potential Russian Invasion, amping up their Military spending and Constructing a Defensive Line along the Collective 1,000 miles of Border between: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Russia.

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