Saturday, October 5, 2024

DOJ Joins Lawsuit Against AL SoS

Nearly Two months ago, Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen (R) Removed what He claimed to be over 3,200 Non-Citizens from the Voter Rolls. That was 84 days before the Election.

A Lawsuit was filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) claims this Violates the National Voting Rights Act, which is 90 Days.

“The lawsuit is seeking to halt the purge program,” Kate Huddleston, a Lawyer for the Campaign Legal Center said. “And to ensure that this arbitrary way of removing people from the rolls shortly before the election is halted.”

Two Lawmakers are coming to Allen's Defense; Blaming the DOJ for any potential Non-Citizens Voting.

Alabama Senators are Challenging the DOJ. “Given the 2024 Presidential Election is in less than 34 days, your Department’s inaction and refusal to provide any information regarding its efforts to promote public trust and confidence in our elections is especially alarming.”

Now it’s come to light that the Removal Program is not Only using Flawed Data in its Own Criteria of Naturalized Citizens, but is also just Error-Riddled.

Case in point: a Union Grove Man who is a Citizen, was wrongly Removed from the Rolls. In total, 717 People who were Removed during the Purge, had to Registered to Vote again, according to the DOJ Lawsuit.

The DOJ is standing by its Lawsuit in a Statement: “As Election Day approaches, it is critical that Alabama redress voter confusion resulting from its list maintenance mailings sent in violation of federal law,” DOJ Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division said.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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