Saturday, October 5, 2024

12 States Banning Gas-Powered Cars

The Future is approaching sooner than we think, and will Gas-powered Cars be a part of it? Many States are taking Action as Climate change becomes a central Political Debate. Despite the Popularity of Gas-powered Engines, they are trying to push curb Ppeople towards Electric Vehicles (EVs). But until more Chaerging Stations are built, I think Hybrids will be around awhile.

Section 177 of the Clean Air Act puts out Regulations to help Curb the Emissions in the Air. Most States are helping to follow this, but California has taken it upon itself to take it up a Notch Higher in Banning the Sale of Vehicles that have Emissions.

12 States are considering Banning these Vehicles:

California: California wants to Ban the Sale of Internal Combustion Engines by 2035. That means there is much work to do to prepare the whole State. There need to be Charge Stations and a good number of EVs, and there are many other Concerns. These could include High Vehicle Costs, Battery Production, Grid Capacity, and Vehicle problems.

Delaware: In April, 2023, Delaware decided to Aadopt some of the same Provisions as California in Banning Gas-Powered Engines. It was an Amendment added onto to their already Low Emissions Ban that they are already Instituted.

Maine: The Gas-powered Car Ban was brought about by a Civilian Petition, to help Curb the Harmful effects of Car Emissions. They are Working on some Laws to make it Official. If it does become Official, Maine will implement a similar Car Ban like California, but it will go into effect starting in 2028.

Maryland: Maryland’s Governor, Wes Moore (D), has also brought up the Advanced Clean Cars II Regulation for their State. It will be a way to Clean the Air and prevent Respiratory issues that are starting to happen due to Higher Pollution in the Air. They estimate that the State will Save around $40 million Annually in Lost Production due to Respiratory and Cardiovascular Illness.

Massachusetts: Was the First State to adopt Californian Vehicle Regulations, and it has ambitious Goals to make it happen. They are looking at Banning Light-Duty Gas-powered Vehicles starting in 2035. You can still use Gas-powered Vehicles, this would just be a Ban on their Sale starting in 2035.

New Jersey: New Jersey recently announced that it will also join in Banning Gas-Powered Vehicles. They are looking at getting up to 43% of Electric Vehicles by 2027 and 100% by 2035. It is hard to know if that is at all possible. The current number of EVs in New Jersey is around 15%, and there is a need for the Costs to come Down and for the Infrastructure to be built to handle the EVs.

New York: In September 2022, New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) directed the State’s Environmental Conservation to get Vehicles to Zero Emissions sooner. The Plan is to get 35% of the Vehicles to be EVs by 2026, and have an Official Ban on selling Light Gas-powered Vehicles by 2035.

They are also Iinvesting in Reducing Emissions 85% from 1990 Levels by 2050. They will try to achieve their Goal by Banning Emissions. They are Investing in Cleaner Transportation in New York City and other areas in the State.

Oregon: In December 2022 like California, decided toBban the Sale of Gas-Powered Vehicles by 2035. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality showed that Car Emissions produced 40% of the State’s Air Emissions. Critics at Open Hearings commented that the State is forcing Residents to purchase more Expensive. The State is offering Rebates of up to $7,000 for those Purchasing

Pennsylvania: At the moment, the State Legislature has Approved the same Regulations as California, for the Ban on the Sale of Gas-Powered Cars for 2035. However, the Information about All the Rules and Regulations has Not yet been made Public for the State, so the Rules have been Unclear about what will happen in 2035. There have been Rumors of a Special Tax passed, but nothing has been made Public yet.

Rhode Island: Is another State that Adopted the Rules created by California. Many People wonder if they will have to give up their Cars. Nope, Rhode Island will Phase-Out Gas-Powered Vehicles over an 8-year period. By 2027, they hope to be Selling 43% Electric Vehicles; by 2030, it should be around 68%, and they hope by 2035 to be 100%. That is their Pplan to Implement these New Rules.

Vermont: In 2022, Vermont was working on New Laws about Gas Emissions in its Vehicles. Vermont is following some of California’s Rules and Regulations on Gas-Powered Vehicles. Vermont hopes to Sell Zero-Emission Vehicles by 2030. It is a Pretty Ambitious Goal, but Who knows how it will go.

Washington: The last Sstate on the List is Washington. Washington adopted the Advanced Clean Cars II Regulations around the same time as Massachusetts. It plans to Eliminate the Sale of Zero-Emission Light Vehicles by 2035. Heavy-Duty Vehicles will still be Gas-Powered.

With States getting ready to make Gas-Powered Engines Obsolete, the Infrastructure needed to handle these Vehicles’ needs to be Invested in. The Future is coming, and there are No doubts about more Weather that has Negatively affected parts of the States, but there needs to be Plans to accommodate the EVs.

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