Friday, September 27, 2024

VP Harris to Propose Toughening Biden’s Asylum Clampdown

Vice-Presdent Kamala Harris (D) to Announce Not only would She Keep-in-Place President Biden’s (D) sweeping Asylum Crackdown, if She wins the White House, but that She would take it even further.

During Her Border Visit in Douglas, Arizona, She Proposes Toughening the Policy that Suspends Asylum Claims In-Between Ports-of-Entry, when Border Crossings reach a certain Threshold. It’s an Aggressive move in the Final Stretch of the Campaign, as She Doubles-Down on Her efforts to Cut into Trump’s Advantage with Voters on Immigration. The New Proposal comes as the Vice-President makes Her First Trip to the Southern Border as the Democratic Nominee, when She also plans to Ephasize Her Opponent’s Role in Killing the Bipartisan Border Deal. “The American people deserve a president who cares more about border security than playing political games,” Harris said.

Biden’s Clampdown on Asylum has been Beneficial for the Harris Campaign: Border Crossings are now as Low as they were during Trump’s last month in Office, providing the Vice-President with a Beneficial Datapoint to Tout on the Trail.

This Summer, after the Collapse of the Bipartisan Border Deal, which Trump Personally Lobbied to Kill, Biden issued an Executive Action and Rule that allowed Him to Suspend Asylum Claims in-between Ports-of-Entry, when there is an average of 2,500 Crossings a Day over a Seven-Day period. Once a Shutdown is in effect, Homeland Security Secretary (HHS) Alejandro Mayorkas (D) can Reopen the Border after Crossings have fallen below 1,500 Crossings for Seven Consecutive days. a Tthreshold that hasn’t been met since the Shutdown began in June.

Harris’ Plans to make it even more Difficult to Lift the Border Restrictions. Aides cite recent Polling showing Trump’s Eroding Support on the Issue since Biden exited the Race, in what they believe provides a Fresh Opportunity for the Vice-President to go on the Offensive.

That’s part of the Reason Harris wanted to Travel to the Border on Friday to Reiterate this Message, speaking in a Community on the Front Lines of the Immigration Challenge, according to a Senior Campaign Official.

On the Ground, She went-to the Raul H. Castro Port-of-Entry, where She’ll receive a Briefing on the Efforts to Disrupt the Flow of Fentanyl through the Southern Border. Harris will also meet with Border Agents and Argue that they need more Resources, while calling on the Chinese Government to Crack-Down on Companies that make the Chemicals used to make Fentanyl. She will be joined by Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly (D) and the State’s Atorney General, Kris Mayes (D).

The Visit comes as Trump continues to pummel Harris on Immigration, labeling Her a “border czar” to Exaggerate Her work on addressing the Root causes of Migration in the Biden Administration. On the day of Harris’ Acceptance Speech at the DNC Convention last month, Trump visited Cochise County, Arizona, the same County Harris Visits, to blame Her for the Border Crisis. His Campaign slammed Harris ahead of the Visit, saying that Voters are “smart enough to realize that Kamala Harris has been in charge of the border for four years and she has failed.”

In countering Trump, Harris’ Strategy pulls a Page directly from Rep. Tom Suozzi’s (D-NY, 3rd District) Playbook, afterHhe Won His February Special Election in New York, by Running on Strengthening Border Security. Democrats across the Country have adopted an Aggressive Posture on the Issue, since the Collapse of the Border Legislation earlier this year, Solidifying the Party’s notable Shift on Immigration.

While Democrats have been relieved that Harris has quickly found Her Footing on the Vexing issue, some Allies and Immigration Advocates have been Frustrated that the Harris hasn’t talked more about the Need-for-Relief for Undocumented Immigrants who have long Lived in the U.S., trying to Navigate a Broken Immigration system. And they believe Trump’s Rhetoric and His Promises to Implement Mass Deportations, offers Harris an Ppportunity to Relitigate Hhis Controversial Family Separation Policy.

Trump said that Immigrants are “ruining the fabric of our country” during His Michigan Rrally, reprising His Attacks on the Cities of Springfield, Ohio, and Aurora, Colorado, for Resettling Haitian and Venezuelan Refugees.

Harris is expected to thread the needle with Her approach by Speaking on Friday, about the need to Create an Orderly and Humane Immigration System, arguing that the Country must Prioritize both Security and Protecting its “legacy as a nation of immigrants.”

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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