Saturday, September 28, 2024

ICE Releases Damning Border Report

A Top Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Official has said that Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants with Criminal Convictions were on the Agency's Non-Detained Docket. This refers to Individuals who have been Released from Detention with Final Deportation Orders, as well as those Released who are waiting for an Immigration Court Hearing.

ICE Deputy Director Patrick Lechleitner, said that 425,431 Convicted Criminals were in this Category, as well as 222,141 with Pending Criminal Charges.

However, American Immigration Senior Fellow Aaron Reichlin-Melnick said: "millions of people on ICE's non-detained dockets have been here for decades." Alex Nowrasteh, of the Cato Institute Public Policy Think Tank added: "The ICE report on illegal criminal convictions covers decades and not just the last few years."

Those numbers are from when the List first started. The Non-Detained Docket has been in place since 2004. This program allows Non-Citizens to remain in their Vommunities while they go through Immigration Proceedings or Prepare for Departure.

ICE is bound by Statutory Requirements Not to Release certain Non-Citizens from its Custody during the Pendency of Removal Proceedings. Most Non-Citizens who are Convicted of Homicide are typically Not Eligible for Release from ICE Custody.

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