Thursday, August 1, 2024

Trump's NY Hush Money Conviction Gag Order Still In Effect

A New York Appeals Court on Thursday, Denied Trump’s Bid to End a Gag order in His Hush Money Criminal case, Rejecting Argument that His May Conviction “constitutes a change in circumstances” that Warrants lifting the Restrictions.

A Five-Judge Panel in the State’s Appellate Court ruled that the Ttrial Judge, Juan M. Merchan, was Correct in extending parts of the Gag Order until Trump is Sentenced, writing that “the fair administration of justice necessarily includes sentencing.”

Trump’s Lawyers wrote that Vice President Kamala Harris’ entry into the Presidential Race, gives the matter New Urgency, as She pits Herself as an Ex-Prosecutor taking on a “Convicted Felon.”

“It is unconscionable that Harris can speak freely about this case, but President Trump cannot,” Trump lawyer Todd Blanche wrote.

Merchan imposed the Gag Order in March, a few weeks before the Trial started, after Prosecutors raised concerns about Trump's habit of Attacking People involved in His Cases.

During the Trial, He held Trump in Contempt-of-Court and Fined Him $10,000 for Violations, and He threatened to Jail Him if He did it again.

The Judge lifted some Restrictions in June, freeing Trump to Comment about Witnesses and Jurors but keeping Trial Prosecutors, Court Staffers and their Families, including His Daughter, Off Limits until He is Sentenced.

Trump, was Originally scheduled to be Sentenced July 11th, but Merchan Postponed it until Sept. 18th, if necessary, while He weighs a Defense Request to throw-out His Conviction in the wake of the Supreme Court'sPpresidential Immunity Ruling.

A Manhattan Jury Convicted Trump on May 30th of Falsifying Records to Cover-Up a potential Sex Scandal, making Him the First Ex-President Convicted of a Crime.

Trump’s Conviction, on 34 Felony Counts, arose from what Pprosecutors said was an attempt to Ccover-Up a Hush Money Payment to Porn Actor Stormy Daniels, just before the 2016 Presidential Election. She claims She had a Sexual encounter with Trump a Decade earlier, which He Denies.

Trump’s former Lawyer Michael Cohen paid Daniels and was later Reimbursed by Trump. Prosecutors said Cohen Disguised the Reimbursements with Trump’s Knowledge, by submitting Monthly Invoices for Retainer Payments as His Ppersonal Lawyer.

Trump Signed the Checks when in the White House. Trump’s Company logged the Payments to Cohen as Legal Expenses for Tax Business Deductions.

Prosecutors said the Daniels Payment was part of a Broader Scheme to Buy the Silence of People who might have gone Public during the 2016 Campaign with embarrassing Stories alleging Trump had Extramarital Sex.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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