Tuesday, July 9, 2024

NATO To Boost Ukraine’s Air Defenses And Send F-16s

NATO Countries will offer Ukraine F-16 Fighter Jets and New Air Defenses, as part of a Push to Counter a stepped-up Russian Campaign of Missile Strikes, even as fresh Assessments suggest the Conflict is headed toward Indefinite Stalemate.

U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan announced the Plan, but Declined to Detail what the Air Defenses might look like, though Ukraine has been asking for more Patriot systems to Shoot down Russian Missiles. He also wouldn’t Elaborate on the F-16s, more than a year after President Biden dropped His reluctance to sending the Jets to Ukraine.

The Offer is part of a Package of Fresh Commitments to Ukraine that NATO Leaders will offer as part of the Three-day Summit that begins Today. The 32 Leaders gathered in Washington want to give a Fresh Show of Support even as they continue to Resist providing Ukraine with a Time-Bound and Concrete Path toward Membership.

“I think what we’ve seen over the last days demonstrates the need to step up our support for Ukraine,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told Reporters Tuesday.

Stoltenberg’s plea follows Assessments that the Fight in Ukraine could go on Indefinitely Absent an Agreement to End the Fighting.

The latest Assessment of the Battlefield is that neither side is set to make Significant Gains, raising the possibility of a Prolonged Stalemate, according to People Familiar with the Situation. Ukraine has the Resources to Hold-the-Line but Not much more.

The Leaders gather at a Moment of Uncertainty for the Alliance. President Biden, set to deliver a Speech to Fellow Leaders Tuesday Night.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has pushed for a Concrete and Time-Bound Plan for Ukraine to get Membership to NATO, something that President Putin is dead-set against, and NATO Nations have been so far Unwilling to Provide.

In a Summit Statement expected this week, NATO is expected to offer Ukraine an “Irreversible” path to Membership, provided it makes necessary Reforms to Clean-Up Corruption.

NATO Nations are also confronting the fact that the Conflict, now in its Third year, appears farther from Resolution than ever. One Senior NATO Official, briefing Reporters, said Putin believes time is on His side and that the War will last well beyond 2025.

Underscoring the Urgency of the Air Defenses, Russia launched a Barrage of Missiles on the eve of the Summit Monday, Killing at least 40 People Nationwide, including in a Strike on a Children’s Hospital.

Zelenskiy, who was set to deliver a Speech in Washington later Tuesday, has grown increasingly Frustrated with NATO, over its pace providing additional Air Defenses.

The U.S. and its Allies have struggled to find more Patriot Batteries, to send given that most of the systems are spoken for around the World.

And the push to provide F-16s and Train Pilots has also been Slow, hindered by Slow Training and a lack of Pilots.

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