Wednesday, July 10, 2024

MO Abortion Rights Ballot Measure

Missouri would become the First State to Overturn a near Total Abortion Ban, if Voters support a State Constitutional Amendment on the General Election Ballot.

Advocates in Missouri, where Republicans have a Firm Grasp on State and Federal Politics, hope to convince Voters who have seen Decades of Restrictions that Abortion Rights are worth Constitutional Protection.

Should they succeed, it will upend Decades of Laws limiting the Procedure, potentially Opening up a New era of Abortion Access.

“A lot of our state is aware of the harm in a way that other states with lesser restrictions may not have been as intimately aware,” said Mallory Schwarz, the Executive Director at "Abortion Action Missouri". “Because we are seeing the harm every day and have for years.”

Missouri’s Measure goes the furthest to Increase Access, seeking Protections through Fetal Viability, a Standard established by the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade.

Advocates in Two other States seeking to Overturn Bans this year, took a more Limited approach.

Missouri Abortion Rights Advocates say there is Strength in their Approach.

Rather than giving a Deadline for when someone can get an Abortion, the Fetal Viability language, combined with Exemptions for the Life, Health, and Mental Health of the Mother, allows the Decision to be determined with the help of Medical Professionals, rather than Legislation.

But, as the Group embarks on a multimillion-dollar Campaign, it will have to convince Voters that the Amendment is the right fit for a State that has increasingly, and overwhelmingly, Voted for Anti-Abortion Conservative Politicians.

“We’re just not talking about returning to Roe, OK?” said Sam Lee, a Longtime Anti-Abortion Activist in Missouri. “I would say we and our opponents agree on this: It’s not returning to Roe, it’s beyond Roe.”

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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