Saturday, July 27, 2024

Biden To Announce Supreme Court Reform On Monday

President Biden will announce Plans to Reform the Supreme Court on Monday.

He was likely to back Term Limits for Justices, and Enforceable Code-of-Ethics.

Biden said earlier this week during an Oval Office address, that He would Call for Reform of the Court.

He is also expected to seek a Constitutional Amendment to Limit Immunity for Presidents and some other Officeholders, in the Aftermath of a July Supreme Court Ruling that Presidents have broad Immunity from Prosecution. But the Court sent the Case back to the Appeals Court to determine what is Presidential and Non-Presidential Acts.

Biden will make the Announcement in Texas on Monday, and the Specific Proposal Changes.

I like an Age Limit: New York Highest Court Judges:

- At 70, for the next Five years, a Judge takes a Cognitive test. At 75 they Retire, but can at times work on an Appeal Court Case.

- On Conflict-of-Interest, I would use an outside Group-of-Judges to determine eash Issue.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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