Multiple Polling Stations in Stowe Township, and other Areas throughout Allegheny County, are reporting a Shortage of Ballots for their Primary Election day.
One Polling Location in Hanover Heights, only received 10 Republican Ballots, and several other reported only receiving 20.
Stowe Township Council President, Robin Parilla, says that some Voters have been turned away as a result of the Shortage.
Parilla has tried to Contact the County, multiple time,s to get more Ballots, but no one is answering.
He has spoken with several other Polling Officials in the area, including Robinson and Elizabeth, who say they are having similar issues.
Allegheny County says that the Poll Shortages, are the result of a Higher Voter Turnout, than they expected.
Ballot Shortages are impacting both Democratic and Republican Voters across the area.
County Officials now say, that an Express Voting Machine may be a solution to the problem.
These Machines print a Blank Ballot Card which can be placed into a Scanner.
They Encourage any Departments having Ballot Shortages to use these Machines.
The County is asking any Voter who was turned away, to go back and try again, at 5 pm.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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