The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), is intensifying efforts to Stop the implementation of a Court drawn draft Congressional Map that would pit several Democratic Incumbents against one another in the Midterms, and has exacerbated sensitive Divisions in the Caucus.
The controversy, which Democratic Leaders are trying to tamp down in order to avoid a full-blown Public brawl, has led some Members to question whether DCCC Chairman Sean Patrick Maloney, is the man to Lead them during a Midterm season that is already daunting for the Party.
In a new letter, the DCCC, along with several Constituents affected by the Redistricting, call on a New York Court to reconsider Monday's Draft Congressional Map that the DCCC argues would undo "decades of hard-fought racial progress" and Fracture "important communities of interest throughout New York."
"The Proposed Map is the result of a flawed process that did not provide the public, including minority voters who live in historically marginalized communities, with an opportunity to provide input," the letter says. "We urge the Special Master to uncouple Black incumbents and reunite communities of interest around New York City, on Long Island, and in the Hudson River Valley."
In the letter, the DCCC argues that the Proposed Congressional Map could potentially pit Four Black Incumbents, against one another out of the Seven Black Members from the New York Delegation, Reducing Diverse representation that has been shaped over Decades. The DCCC also argues in their letter that New Map needlessly pits Incumbents against one another and "fractures communities of interest" into several Districts, both of which could run afoul to New York's Constitution.
"We urge the Court to recognize the limitations of the Proposed Map and to promptly direct the Special Master to make immediate changes to account for these problems," the letter reads. The letter is part of the ongoing Public Comment period closes at midnight Wednesday. A Final decision on the Congressional Map is expected Friday.
Maloney, who is White, infuriated some of his Colleagues after the Draft Map was released Monday, when he quickly announced he would run in the newly drawn NY-17th District, where his home is located, setting up a potential matchup with freshman Rep. Mondaire Jones, who is Black and currently represents the District."This whole thing is crazy," One Member said.
Behind the scenes, Leaders are trying to keep Disagreements within the Democratic family, looking to avoid messy Public Fallout erupting in the wake of News that several pairs of Democrats may be forced to Run against one another.
The target on Maloney, some allies say, is a Distraction from the larger issue at hand. Democrats are facing a daunting Map in an environment where President Biden's Approval Rating is sagging, and historically, Midterm Elections have spelled trouble in a President's First term.
Some Democrats also want to spend less time focusing on Maloney's Personal decision about what District to run in and more on building the case that the New Map introduces Inequalities that harm Minority Communities. On Wednesday, Lawyers on behalf of New York Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie sent another letter to the Special Master laying out how changes to the Map made "significant disruptions to minority communities throughout New York City" and "systematically disfavors incumbents," both of which the Complaint says "do not comport with specific redistricting mandates set forth in article III of the New York Constitution."
Rep. Ritchie Torres, who is Black and a Member of the New York Democratic Congressional Delegation, voiced his Anger toward his Party's Leadership and Pelosi in a fiery tweet Wednesday. "The thinly veiled racism here is profoundly disappointing. A black man is ideologically ill suited to represent a Westchester County District that he represents presently and won decisively in 2020?" Torres tweeted, referring to a report that Maloney's allies believe that Jones would be a better fit for another District.
"There's a simple solution here. Maloney should run in NY-18, which he mostly represents. Jones in NY-17, which he mostly represents. Bowman in NY-16, which he mostly represents. Problem solved," Torres continued.
Hakeem Jeffries, Chair of the Democratic Caucus and a Member of the New York Delegation, slammed the newly Drawn Districts in a News Conference with Reporters Tuesday, saying they were purposely Drawn to hurt the Black and Latino Communities in the State.
"The Black or Latino population was degraded in all four districts. Are you kidding me?" said Jeffries, who is Black. "The core of existing congressional districts should be protected. ... So yes, we have a problem with these maps. It would make Jim Crow blush." Jeffries also released the Second in a series of Digital Ads Wednesday night assailing the proposed Map.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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