More than 60% of Americans favor using an Alternative method of casting Ballots known as, Ranked-Choice-Voting (RCV) for Federal Elections, according to Polling data released Wednesday morning.
RCV, also known as an Instant-Runoff-Election, has already been used Statewide in Maine, for Municipal Elections in New York City, and in more than 40 other Jurisdictions. Alaska will use RCV for the first-time this summer in a Special Election for a vacant Seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, then in the 2022 General Election.
According to a Poll conducted by the University of Maryland’s Program for Public Consultation (PPC) and Voice of the People, how Voters felft about using RCV for Federal Elections with more then Two Candidates.
When conducting the Survey, of 1,296 Voters, Pollsters described RCV and then presented Arguments For and Against. After taking Respondents’ thoughts on each of the Arguments, they asked a Final Approve/Oppose Question:
61% said they Approve of RCV for Federal Elections, with more than Two Candidates including: 73% of Democrats, 55% of Independents, and 49% of Republicans.
RCV is proposed for Federal Elections in the Fair Representation Act (H.R. 3863), seeking to make it more possible for Independent and Third Party Candidates to compete in Elections.
"American voters are frustrated with the partisan polarization in American democracy but are often afraid of voting for independent or third party candidates because they do not want to effectively throw away their vote," commented PPC Director, Steven Kull. "Ranked choice voting is appealing as a way to solve this conundrum."
PPC analyzed the Partisan orientation of Respondents' Congressional Districts using Cook's PVI ratings. Majorities in all types of Districts favored RCV in Congressional Elections from very red 56% to very blue 63%.
The Survey was conducted Online from July 13 to Sept. 15, 2021, with a National probability based sample, provided by Nielsen's sample of respondents, recruited by Mail and Telephone, with a Margin of Error: +/- 2.7%.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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