Saturday, April 23, 2022

OH Targeted By Federal Investigation Into Election Misinformation

Debunked Conspiracy Theories, made by Elected Officials in Ohio, has prompted a Federal investigation into the State’s Administration of Elections.

In a Letter addressed to Brian Sleeth, President of the Ohio Association of Election Officials, it requested Information about the Organization’s efforts to offset Falsehoods and Conspiracy Theories related to the 2020 Election.

The Letter also referenced Ohio House Bill 110, enacted in June 2021, that Reduced the Effectiveness of Election Administration by Banning Election Officials from working with Non-Government organizations.

“These restrictions hinder election administrators' ability to receive funding for essential election activities such as voter education, registration, get-out-the-vote efforts, absentee voting, and poll worker training,” the Letter said. “Troublingly, advocates of H.B. 110 have repeated false narratives about election fraud in their push to enact new laws.

The Letter requested that Sleeth provide Answers to the Questions by May 4th.

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