A Total of 24,636 Mail-In Ballots were Rejected, throughout Texas, in the March 1st Primary Election, the Texas Secretary of State’s Office, said Wednesday.
That’s a 12.38% Rejection rate, far Higher than in previous contests.
Local Election Officials, as well as Voting Rights Advocates, have said many Voters were Tripped-Up by a GOP-backed Law that went into effect, late last year.
James Slattery, a Senior State Attorney at the Texas Civil Rights Project, says these Final figures show Texas’ New Voting Law, known as Senate Bill 1, was “catastrophic for democracy” in the State.
“The rejection rate went up by a factor of 12 since the last election,” he said. “The only reason that the rejection rate soared this high is that Senate Bill 1 imposed this new ID requirement and it is disenfranchising eligible voters.”
Under SB 1, Voters have to provide a Partial Social Security Number or Driver’s License Number, on their Mail Ballot Application, as well as on the Return Envelope.
The ID Number they Provide has to Match what’s on their Voter Registration Record.
Many Voters either completely Missed the New ID Portion of the Return Envelope or had Mismatched IDs, Local Officials said.
Some County Election Officials, Reported that up to 40% of Ballots, that were Returned, were initially Flagged for Rejection.
Eventually some Voters were able to Fix their Ballots, but many Voters were Not.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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