A Federal Judge, on Friday, Dismissed a Lawsuit brought by Colorado Republicans, that sought to Close Primary Elections to Independent Voters.
Senior U.S. District Judge John Kane, found the Republicans who filed the Lawsuit, did Not have the Legal Standing to do so. The Plaintiffs, Four Current or Former Republican Candidates for Office and a GOP Party Chair, sought to allow Only Party Members to Vote in Primary Elections, rather than keeping them Open to Independent Voters, arguing that the current Process Violates their Constitutional Rights.
The Lawsuit was Not brought by the Colorado Republican Party, and the Party Cannot “litigate this case by proxy,” Kane wrote in a 32-page Order, in which he found the Plaintiffs did Not claim any Personal Injury and so could Not bring the Legal Challenge.
“Like Don Quixote, plaintiffs are self-appointed heroes, defending the rights of their party by going to battle against the allegedly insurmountable obstacle of a three-fourths majority that compels a form of diluted political speech,” Kane wrote. “They have overstepped their bounds.”
Kane found that the Colorado Republican Party already has a Clear avenue for Excluding Independent Voters from the Primary process, by Opting-Out of Primary Elections through a 3/4th Vote of the Republicans’ State Central Committee. Nominees would then be chosen through Caucus and Assembly, an In-Person Process that would have involved only a Small Portion of All Registered Republican Voters, and would have the Party Pay for it.
The Colorado Republican Party chose Not to ditch Primary Elections last fall, Rejecting a push from the Far-Right Members of the Party. In the Lawsuit, Plaintiffs argued that meeting the 3/4th Threshold for an Opt-Out Committee Vote was “nearly impossible,” but never backed up that Claim, Kane wrote.
“Plaintiffs have presented absolutely no evidence that the three-fourths threshold is impossible to meet,” Kane wrote.
The Lawsuit was brought by:
- State Rep. and U.S. Senate Candidate Ron Hanks (R-60th District)
- Congressional Candidate Laurel Imer (R-7th District)
- La Plata County Republican Committee Chair Dave Peters
- Former Congressional Candidate Charles Stockham (R-7th District)
- Former State Rep. Joann Windholz (R-30th District) and the Organization People for Association Rights and Bi-Partisan Limited Elections
They were represented by Attorneys Randy Corporon and John Eastman, the former Visiting Scholar at the University of Colorado Boulder, who advised Trump on how to Overturn the 2020 Election.
Eastman said in a Statement that the Legal Challenge will continue. “We continue to believe that the unanimous resolution of the State Central Committee last September authorizing a legal challenge by ‘members’ was sufficient to confer standing,” he said. “But now that the judge has ruled otherwise, we will take steps to address that and then continue to press forward.”
In 2016, Colorado Voters passed Proposition 108, allowing Independent Voters to Vote in the Primary Elections. Now, they can Request a Party’s Ballot before the Election. If they don’t, they’ll be Mailed All Parties’ Ballots, but are instructed to Fill-Out just One.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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