The Iowa Supreme Court ruled Friday, that Senate Candidate Abby Finkenauer (D) Qualifies for the Primary Ballot, Rejecting a Lower Court Decision, and allowing her to continue her Campaign for the Nomination, and the chance to face Sen. Charles Grassley (R).
The Court’s decision leaves Finkenauer as the likely Front-Runner in a race, with Two lesser-known Candidates ahead of Iowa’s June 7th Primary. The winner will run against Grassley, who is seeking an Eighth term in the Senate.
“This is a moment for all advocates for democracy — Democrats, Republicans and Independents — to celebrate the enduring strength of our democratic process and a reminder to never take it for granted,” Finkenauer said in a Statement.
She said it's more than a victory for her Campaign, but about Justice for Iowans and Democracy prevailing over “meritless partisan attacks orchestrated by Washington Republicans and allies of Senator Grassley seeking to silence Iowans and undermine the democratic process.”
Her Lawyer, Gary Dickey, said the Unanimous decision shows the Court put Politics aside to reach the correct Legal result.
The Lawyer for the Republican Objectors, Alan Ostergren, said the Legislature needs to reform the Law, listing what must be on a Nominating Petition, and the Consequences of Failing to do so. “The only reason these issues were litigated is that the Abby Finkenauer campaign failed to turn in enough signatures to have a comfortable margin — something every other political campaign was able to do this cycle,” he said.
The Supreme Court Rejected a Lower Court's Ruling that found Finkenauer Failed to meet a State Law that requires Candidates to submit at least 100 Signatures from at least 19 Counties to Qualify for the Ballot. A Majority of the Supreme Court Justices agreed, that a Polk County Judge was Wrong when he ruled that Three Signatures from Two Counties were Invalid, leaving Finkenauer without enough Signatures.
The Supreme Court said the Legislature last year, passed New Sections of the Law that identified Specific Circumstances when Objections to Petitions should be Sustained. “The legislature did not include missing or incorrect dates as one of the grounds for sustaining an objection to a petition. We conclude that the recent legislation prevails," the Supreme Court said. The Supreme Court ordered the Case back to the District Court Judge and an Order is entered Dismissing the Objectors Petition.
The Supreme Court acknowledged it wasn't an easy decision. “Statutory interpretation is not like proving math theorems, and it is sometimes difficult to come up with a neat answer that is intellectually satisfying. In the end, we believe we must be guided by the legislature’s last word on the subject,” it said.
The Supreme Court Ruling affirmed an earlier Decision, by an Election Panel that Finkenauer had Qualified for the Ballot. Two Republican Activists had brought the initial Challenge and Appealed the Panel’s Decision to the District Court.
Finkenauer called the Polk County Judge Scott Beattie's Ruling a “meritless partisan attack.” Beattie was Appointed in 2018 by Gov. Kim Reynolds (R), who also appointed Four Justices to the Iowa Supreme Court.
Finkenauer, of Cedar Rapids, is best known as One of the First Woman Elected to the House from Iowa, and the Second-Youngest Female House Member in U.S. History, winning Election in 2018 at the age of 29 and just 10 months Older than Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY, 14th District).
The other seeking the Democratic Nomination are: Mike Franken, a retired Navy admiral; and Glenn Hurst, a Doctor and Minden City Council Member.
Any of the Democrats would be viewed as Longshots against Grassley, who has held Elected Office since 1959.
He was Elected to the U.S. House in 1974, and to the Senate in 1980.

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