Common Cause has Members and Supporters in every State and each of the 435 Congressional Districts.
Here are some of the latest Dispatches from State Teams across the Country:
California - Sponsoring a Lobbying Reform Bill, that will create more timely and useful: Lobbying Disclosure, End anonymous Lobbying Presure tactics, and Close Loopholes in Lobbying reporting practices.
Connecticut - Leading a Campaign to amend Constitution to allow No-Excuse Absentee Voting.
Colorado - Supporting the Vote Without Fear Act, which will Ban the Open Carry of Firearms at Polling places, at Vote-Counting centers, and 100 feet of Ballot Drop Boxes.
Delaware - Pusing Legislation to make Voting-by-Mail a Permanent Option for Voters.
Georgia - Joined an Anti-Gerrymandering Lawsuit to Protect Voters from a, Craking and Packing, tactic that is being used to Dilute the Power of Voters in Congressional Districts across the metro Atlanta area.
Hawaii - Working to Pass Campaign Finance Disclosure of major Contributions to reveal the True source of Dark Money behind our Election Ads by requiring Parties to Track and Disclose Expenditures of $10,000 or more in a Two-Year Election period.
Illinois - Enhance the Transparency and Accessibility of Electronic Voter Registration Data. At a time when our Democratic Institutions are under Attack, we can't afford to make it so Difficult to reach State Voters.
Indiana - Mobilizing Grassroots Action and preparing Testimony and Fact Sheets to Stop Legislation seeking Partisan School Board Elections.
Maryland - Pushing a Vote-by-Mail Bill that establishes a Tracking system so voters can know where their Ballots are and When they were Received and Counted.
Massachusetts - Driving force behind the VOTES Act, which includes: Vote-by-Mail, Extended Early Voting, Same-Day Registration, Jail-based Voting, and Automatic Voter Registration improvements.
Michigan - Pushing back against attempts to incorporate Harsh New Voter ID Laws. Preparing to Stop attempts to Conduct another Audit of the 2020 Election, and further promite the Big Lie by Trump.
Minnesota - Filed Suit to make sure the Redistricting process is part of a Healthy, Accountable, Multiracial Democracy. This Lawsuit focuses solely on Disenfranchised Communities' Interests and Not Incumbent Protection or Political Party Control.
Nebraska - Working on Redistricting, Campaign Finance, and Voting Rights Bills.
New Mexico - supporting the Expansion of native American Voting access to permit: Nations, Tribes, and Pueblos, to Requeat additional Polling Locations in their Communities.
New York - Fighting for Expansion of Voting Rights, strengthening Campaign Finance Regulations, and Ethic Reforms.
North Carolina - Secureed a Historic Victory, in Feburary, when the State Supreme Court ruled in Favor and set a clear Precedent that Partisan Gerrymandering Violates State's Constitution.
Ohio - Celebrated a huge Win in Jan. 2022, when the Ohio Sepreme Court struck Down the Gerrymandered congressional and State Legislative Maps.
Oregon - Backing legislation to: Restore Voting Rights to Incarcerated Voters, Campaign Finance Reform, and several Other Bills addressing Equity in the Democratic process.
Pennsylvania - Assisting the Pennsylvania Secretary of State in establishing Risk-Limiting Audits, as the Post Election Auditing Model, for All Elections.
Rhode Island - Pushing for Greater Government Tansparency through Changes to the Open Meetings Act that will require Public Meetings to provide Online Viewing access to, and Allow for Participation by the Public.
Texas - Building the Largest Network of Election Protection Volunteers in Common Cause Texas History, for the 2022 Midterms.
Wisconsin - Testified against a Dozen New Voter-Suppression Measures that included for the Elderly and for Persons with Disabilities to Receive and Return Absentee Ballots. More than 3,000 Common Cause Members also contacted their Legislators to Denounce the Measures.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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