Thanks to Richard Winger of Ballot Access News for this post.
Florida - Green Party to have its First Statewide Nominee
Brian Moore has filed in the Florida Green Party Primary for Governor. He is Unopposed for the Nomination.
The Green Party has been on the Ballotm since 2000, but never before had any Statewide Candidate, other than Presidential Vandidates.
This is partyly because the Filing Fee is so High. Moore must pay a Fee of $8,050.86.
Moore will be th Fisrt Gubernatorial Nominee of a
LeftParty to run in florida since 1920.
Indiana - Green Party Sues Over Ballot Access
On March 17th, the Green Party suid the State over its Restrictive Petition requirementfor Independent Candidates, and the Nominees of Unqualified Parties, to get on the Ballot. Indiana Green Party v Sullivan, s.d. 1:22cv-518. The Case is assigned to U.S. District court Judge, James R. Sweeney, a Trump appointee.
Indiana requires more Signatures for President, as a percentage of the last Presidential Vote, of any State, when each State is compared using the easiest method to get on the Ballot. For 2022, it requires 44,935, which is 2% of the 2018 Vote for Secretary of State.
The existing requirement was passed in 1980, effective in 1984. The 1980 Bill quadrupled the Petition requirement from 1/2 of 1% of the Last Vote for Secretary of State, to 2%. The Bill also Quadrupled the Vote Test for a Party to Stay On the Ballot, from 1/2 of 1% to 2% also only applies to Secretary of State, which is Elected in Midterm years.
Because there is No vote Test in Presidential years, Indiana is the On ly State, in which it is impossible for a Party to become Qualified, during a Presidential year.
It is impossible to Petition until a Party picks a Nominee.
Montana - Secretary of State Recognizes Green Party
On March 1st, the Secretary of State, signed a Settlement of the Green Party's Ballot Access Lawsuit. The Nine Circuit had Ruled in favor of the Green Party in 2021.
It had Invalidated the Unequal Distribution requirement, in the Law regulating the Petition for Party Recognition. The Case which had been filed in 2018, had Lost in the U.S. District Court, and so the Party was kept Off the Ballot in the 2018 and 2020, due to an Unconstitutional Law.
The Secretary of State agreed to Recognize the Party for the 2022 Election, and to let Candidates file for a Green party Primary. Two Legislative Candidates filed.
However, the U.S. District Court still hasn't signed off on the Agreement.
NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker
![U.S. Green Party Update](
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