The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), to announce whether Companies operating in the U.S. will need to Disclose their Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Climate Risks their Businesses face.
The Decision, set for March 21st, would mark a Historic change to hold Companies responsible for their Climate Impacts in the US.
The Regulations may also provide a Clearer picture of Economic and Financial System Impacts due to Climate Change.
Many Companies already report their Greenhouse Gas Emissions, but there are No, across-the-board Standards, in the U.S. for how to do so.
The SEC announcement would be followed by a Public Feedback period for any proposed Rules.
The move could help Investors better assess how Climate Change will Impact the Businesses they Invest in.
It could make it easier for the U.S. Government to assess Climate Risks to the Economy from: Hurricanes, Wildfires, and other Disasters.
The challenge for the SEC is Clarifying how exactly Climate Impacts are Defined and Measured.
Some Business Owners fear that ambiguous Rules could leave them open to Lawsuits.
Companies’ Reaction will likely depend on the Details of the Rules, and how far they go, whether they’re Required to Disclose “Scope 3” Emissions from Suppliers and Customers.
More than 70% of Emissions are located in the Supply Chain, also known as Scope 3.

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