Thanks to Richard Winger of Ballot Access News for this post.
These Bills ease Ballot Access Restrictions for New or Minor Parties, or Independent Candidates.
Alaska - On 2/18/2022, State Senator Bill Wielechowski (D-District H, Anchorage), introduced SB 161, which eases the difinintion of a Qualified Party.
Current Law says a Group with Registration equal to 3% of the last Vote cast, which is currently 10,821. The Bill cuts that to 5,000. Currently the only Ballot Qualified Parties are: Alaskan Independence, Democratic, and Republican. If the Bill passed, the Libertarians would also Qualify. The Bill had a Preliminary Hearing in the Senate State Affairs Committee on 2/17/2022.
Arizona - On 2/3/2022, Seven Representatives introduced HB 2640, which Lowers the Number of Signatures for Candidates, including Independents, running in Primaries. The Primary Petitions for Statewide Office would Drop from One-Fourth of 1% of the Registered Voters, to One-Eighth of 1%. The Independent Candidate Petition would Drop from 3% of the Independent Voters, to 1.5% of that number.
On 2/14/2022, the Senate Government & Elections committee passed SB 1460. Current Law lets Candidates running in Primaries use Electronic Signatures. The Bill extends this to Independent Candidates. The Bill also moves the Filing Deadline for Write-In Candidates, from 40 days before the Elections, to 106 days.
Hawaii - On 2/22, 2022, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed SB 2046. Current Law requires Petition Signers to either show the complete Birthday, or the last Four digits of their Social Security Number. The Bill amends the Provision on Birthdays, so only the Month and Day would be Required.
Indiana - On 1//6/2022, Rep. Ryan Dvorak (D-8th District), introduced HB 1185, which Lowers the Number of signatures for an Independent Candidate, or the Nominee of an Unqualified Party, from 2% of the last Vote cast for Secretary of State, to 250 Signatures.
Kansas - On 2/1/2022, the House Elections Committee introduced HB 2578, which Lowers the Number of Signatures to recognize a New Party, from 2% of the Last Gubernatorial Vote, to 1%. It also Expands the length of time to collect the Signatures, from Six months to One year.
New Hampshire - On 2//10/2022, the House Election Law Committee Defeated both Bills that would have eased Ballot Access. HB 1149 Lowered the number of Signatures for Independent Candidates and the Nominees of Unqualified Parties, to One-Third of the existing Reqwuirements. HB 1197 eased the Vote Test for Party Status from 4% to 1%. The Vote for both Bills was 2-0.
New York - Assemblymember John Salka's (R-121st District) Bill, AB 8683, to Lower the Number of Signatures for Statewide Independents and the Nominees of Unqualified Parties is stalled. Activists are now Lobbying.
Oregon - On 2/1/2022, the House Rules Committee introdused GB 4044, to ease the Definition of a Qualified Party. It Lowers the number of Regisrstions from On-Half of 1% to One-Fourth of 1%. The Bill was introduced to help the Working Families Party, which depends on its Regisration to Remain on the Ballot. It can't use the Alternate 1% Vote Test, because it invariably nominates Democratic Party nominees, so it doesn't get Credited with any Votes of its Own.
Tennessee - On 1/27/2022, Bills were introduced to Ease the Petition for a New Party, and the Vote Test to remain on. They Lower the Petition from 2.5% of the Last Gubernatorial Vote, to .5%. They Lower the Vote Test from 5% to 1%. The Bills are, SB 2189 and HB 2067. The House Bill has a Committee Hearing on 3/2/2022.
Wyoming - HB 152 would have eased the difinition of a Party, from a group that got 2% for certain Offices at the Last Election, to one which got 2% for those same Offices at either of the Last Two Elections. It would also have added President to the List of Offices that Count. But it Failed to pass in time.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

Ballot Access Bills Update
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