2022 is already proving to be One of dramatic growth and transformation for the Open Primaries movement. New skirmishes and fronts in the fight for Fair and Equal Elections are emerging across the Country. They are being powered by a regular influx of New Leaders and Activists with Diverse Politics, Concerns, and Solutions.
Here is a snapshot of the Local and State Campaigns, Debates, and Political Fights happening across the Country to engage and transform our Primary Election systems.
Miami Beach Mayor, Dan Gelber, is calling on the Democratic Party of Florida to Open their Primaries to All Voters, in order to address Hyper-Partisan Politics & Division by reaching out and listening to a broader Spectrum of Voters.
Florida is One of the Largest States in the Country with Closed Primaries and Locks-Out over 3.5 million Voters who want to Open the Process. Both Major Parties have the Power to Open their Primaries. We hope more Political Insiders take a stand within their own Party, even as Open Primaries explore ways to put a more Powerful and Permanent Solution before the Voters.
State Rep. Bud Wheatly (D-65th District) has filed a Bill to move from Fully Closed Primaries to a Semi-Open Primary system, that allows Independents to Pick a Major Party's Ballot.
Moving from Closed to Semi-Open Primaries, like Maine did last year, is a Smart First step, to fully Enfranchising the Largest group of Voters in the Country. We hope it will build a New Conversation about how to make our Elections work for EVERYONE.
Vote Nevada, Better Voting Nevada, and Nevadans for Election Reform, are pursuing a Ballot Initiative to bring Final Five Voting: Nnonpartisan Open Primaries with Ranked-Choice-Voting (RCV) in the General Election, this year. At the End of last year, a Lawsuit Challenging the Initiative was brought forward by Democratic Party, and this month a Judge ruled in favor for the Ballot Measure to move ahead.
Now the Groups can begin gathering Petition Signatures to get this on the Ballot for the People to actually weigh in on.
New Mexico
Earlier this year, a Constitutional Amendment from NM Open Elections, was proposed that would allow Independent Voters to Vote in Primary Elections (Semi-Open Primary). It cleared a Committee in the House, but last week the Amendment died in the House Judiciary Committee, due to Party Leadership Opposition and a Shortened Legislative Session.
New Mexico Activists and Leaders are already working on another effort, for the Next Session, in order to address the Rights of 300,000 New Mexicans currently barred from Participating in the First round of Elections.
Oregon Open Primaries are in the midst of Collecting Signatures for an Initiative Petition to amend Oregon’s Constitution to require All Publicly Funded Elections be Open to every Voter. The Team has been hosting Petition Drives across the State, collecting Signatures Electronically, and getting their voice heard in Oregon’s Largest Newspaper. Legislation has been Introduced.
Click HERE If you’re an Oregonian and want more Info or to Sign the Petition.
A Top Two Open Primaries Bill (SB 1754), has been introduced, and Oklahoma United, Let’s Fix This, and The Oklahoma Academy, are organizing on the ground to Build Support around it.
Margaret Kobos said: “The real decisions are made in primary contests. In Oklahoma’s closed primary system, only the most partisan voters participate. To these voters, and these voters alone, our resulting politicians believe they’re accountable. This closed loop produces a revolving door through which politicians are elected and re-elected by placating the most partisan voters, at the expense of the rest of us.”
This week Open Primaries Senior VP, Jeremy Gruber, led a Forum for Oklahoma Partners, on what People could expect with a Nonpartisan, Top Two system.
Open Primaries PA has launched a Legislative Campaign, in both the Senate and the House, to allow Independent Voters, the Right to Vote in Republican and Democratic Primary Elections.
Both pieces of Legislation aim to address the Voter Suppression currently happening in the State and Enfranchise the 1.2 million Pennsylvanians currently Locked-Out of the Process.
The Bucks County League of Women Voters has come out in Support of the effort and just held a Public Hearing to bring attention to the Issue and Connect with more Supporters.
Rhode Island
A Top Two Open Primaries Bill, has recently been introduced. Rhode Island’s last Two Governors were each Elected with less than 50% of the Vote, a Top Two Open Primaries Bill would better “ensure no candidate is elected to a state or municipal office without the support of a majority of voters.”

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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