New York passes a New Law, called The
Clean Energy Fund(CEF), which provides Renewable Energy Funding to Homeowners for installation of Solar Panels and Battery Storage. This new program is helping Homeowners, save hundreds every month on Energy without paying any costs for Installation. The Federal and State Governments are helping Homeowners receive the Solar panel Programs in New York
All Homeowners may apply for the CEF program. Installation also includes Warranty, Support, Maintenance, and any other necessary Hardware.
CLicK HERE To check your eligibility.
Specific Zip Codes in New York get more Sunlight than others. The amount of Solar Energy created by these Zip Codes are tremendous and may not only cut your Electricity Payment completely but generate extra Clean Solar Energy that is converted into watts and sold back to your Utility Provider.
This in fact generates a source of Clean Energy which the Government needs and creates an extra Source of Income for the Homeowner.
The Federal and State Governments offer Rebates on your Solar Program. Which means, if Eligible, you may be able to get Deductions on your Solar Panel Payments with Tax Credits at the end of the year, as long as you don't Miss any Payments. There are various Federal and State Rebates with Incentives.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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