After Releasing a set of Congressional Redistricting Maps that heavily favor Democrats, the State Legislature has come out with Maps for the State Senate, that are likely a boon for the Party as well.
There’s a Big Geographic Shift, with New York City gaining Two New Senate Seats, as Two Seats Upstate, get Eliminated.
The historically Republican-controlled Senate gave the solidly-Blue City, the short shrift when it came to drawing District Lines.
In 2012, most Districts in the Five Boroughs had around 320,000 Residents, while those Upstate had around 290,000.
Now, ruling Democrats are keeping the Newly proposed Districts roughly Equal in size, leading to Four Upstate Seats being Consolidated into Two, and Two New Districts emerging in Brooklyn and Queens.
One New Seat, spanning parts of Queens and Brooklyn, would have a Plurality of Latino Voters, while another Seat in Southern Brooklyn would be Plurality of Asian Voters.
District Line changes around the State would significantly improve Democrats’ chances, in Three State Senate Seats, held by Republicans.
Democrats already have a Supermajority in the Senate, holding 43 of the 63 Seats.
As with the Congressional Maps, a Legal Battle is likely.
“By drawing their own partisan maps, Democrats in the Legislature are ignoring the will and testimony of hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers — all to protect and enhance their own political power,” Senate Minority Leader, Rob Ortt (R-62nd District, Niagara and Orleans Counties), said yesterday.
“Democrats’ closed door map making is a shameless, partisan example of gerrymandering at its worst. We anticipate a court challenge, and are confident that a challenge will ultimately be successful.”, he said.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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