When the U.S. Census Bureau finally released its detailed Population Data in August, 2021, States began the pivotal Decade process of Redrawning Local and Congressional Maps. The Results are Alarming. Rife with Political Gamesmanship and Gerrymandering, the Manipulated Maps undermine the bedrock principle of Equal Representation.
In the heated run-up to the November Midterms, The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), is fighting for Far Representation to make sure that Voters are choosing their Politicians and Not the other way around.
Congressional and State Legislative Districts Maps determine the allocation of Political Power and Community Resources. The Threat to Under-represented Communities of Color is especially acute, as Corrupt Redistricting can further Dilute voting Power and twart efforts to Block Legislation that sustains Inequality. the ACLU is focused on Litigation to make sure Equitable Representation.
These district lines are going to affect policies across the spectrum: abortion, LGBTQ rights, immigration, school policy, for a decade. We must ensure that Black and Brown voters have fairer opportunities to elect candidates that truly represent them at all levels., said Sophia Lin Lark, Deputy Director of the ACLU's Voting Rights Project.
This Redistricting Cycle, the ACLU has been working in more than 30 States, from Litigating Unfair Maps to Advocating for Increased Transparency in the Legislative process.
OHIO - In September 2021, the ACLU filed a Partisan Gerrymandering Lawsuit challenging Ohio's newly drawn Maps, which gave Extreme Advantage to One Party. In a Victory, Ohio's Supreme Court ordered the Redrawing of a New Constitutional Map.
South Carolina - In October, 2021, the ACLU and its Partners filed a Federal Lawsuit challenging the South Carolina Legislature's Delay in Redrawing its Maps, which denies the Public time to Evaluate the New Maps before the Primaries'March Filing Deadline.The ACLU later Challenged the State's New Racially Gerrymandered House Map.
Alabama - In November, 2021, The ACLU was party to a pair of Federal Lawsuits objecting to Alabama's Racially Gerrymandered Maps as Violation of the Violations of the Fourteenth Amendment and Section 2 of the Voting Righta Act (VRA).
As more Maps are released, the ACLU is filing Lawsuits challenging Maps that deprived Communities of Color of Political Power in: Arkansas, Georgia, and other Southern States, Guilty of the Practice of the past.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote! Michael H. Drucker

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